Chapter 28: The Monstrous Nightmare

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'This is it, my funeral'

The dragon crawled up the walls and went to the top of the ring where it tried to get out. It spewed fire at the villagers which the luckily dodged. It then crawled up the top, on the chains enclosing the ring.

'Yh, I want out too'

Then it looked down. It's yellow, reptilian, slitted eyes focusing on me. It then stopped and jumped down in front of me and started walking forward.

The crowd quieted except for one or two.

"Go on Hicca, kill it"

I'd like to see you in my place. This dragon is my nightmare. Well it is in its name.

This is what vikings do Hicca! They overcome their fears. You got this!

I slowly stepped back, keeping my eyes on the dragon and slowly dropped my shield and dagger outstretching my shaking hand.

'Deep breaths hicca'

'Um, hello?' I said hoping my voice would reach the dragon. The dragon's eyes widened and narrowed again.

"Interesting. You are one of the humans who know about us hmmm? Where's the other one? Is this a trick?"

"It's ok, I'm not gonna hurt you. It's just me today" I said.

"I don't believe you. You smell like the one that put me in here. How do I know you aren't  working with him? After all, you humans are all the same." He said.

I looked up at dad. I wasn't like him. Not the daughter he wanted in the first place. I'm not like them, I don't think I could be anyway.

I looked the nightmare in its eyes. "I'm not like them"

I heard the crowd around me gasp and the nightmares eyes widened. I saw dad slowly get up and said stop the fight as he watched us.

"No" I heard hiccup say. "We need you all to see this"

"They arent what we think they are. We don't have to kill them." I said.

"Is this a joke? "

"No, me and my brother are quite serious. We don't want to hurt y-"


'No, no,no,no,no!'

Dad had slammed his hammer onto the one of the bars of the ring which dented it. The sound echoed throughout the entire ring and sent shivers up my spine.

I gasped and quickly moved my hand away from the nightmare as its eyes turned to slits and its anger resurfaced as it glared at me.


"HICCA!" my brother and Astrid screamed.

I turned and broke into a run away from the raging dragon. I barely dodged as blast of fire flew right past me and I squealed.

My heart rate went up and my breathing shallow as I ran with the Monstrous Nightmare chasing me. It crawled all over trying to get me and shooting fire at me. I ran back for a shield but the nightmare jumped down onto the wooden rack crushing everything. I looked up in fear at the dragon.

"You will die for your deceit!"


Toothless' p.o.v

I laid asleep on the floor of the cove when a shiver went down my spine and I stirred. My scales pricked and I had a bad feeling but i shook it off.

But then I heard something. It echoed through my skull and I snapped my head up, my ears searching for the noise again.

The natural instinct that something was very wrong came crashing in.

I listened for the noise. It was silent for a while until I heard it again. I could hear the roars of a monstrous nightmare.  Monstrous Nightmares are cocky bastards. Well the ones I've met. But then a second sound was heard. A scream. Someone was in serious trouble.

But then I remembered that the village does dragon training and I cringed. I stood up listening again and I froze at what I heard.

Hicca. Hicca was screaming.


I immediately ran to the walls of the cove and begun to climb.

'The twins are in trouble. Hicca in in trouble. She needs me!'

I crawled and tried to pull myself up the wall. Reaching halfway, I jumped up and used my claws to grab the edge of the cliff and pulled myself up.

I heard another loud roar and I growled as I took off in the direction of the village. I couldn't hear hiccup but the closer I got I felt his worry. Good, he's okay.

I sprinted through the woods as quickly as I could using my wings to move faster. I ran through bushes and around tress even gliding through branches and over long logs.

I just got more pissed as I thought. Hicca has a huge fear of those dragons after one nearly killed her and also fire. She wouldn't willingly go into a cage with one!

'He better have not laid a claw on her!'

I heard another roar and her scream along with shouts and pushed myself even further. "I'm coming Hicca!"


Hicca's P.o.v

Astrid had grabbed the emergency axe from outside and put it under the gate and opened it a little using the axe to keep it up. She and Hiccup crawled under quickly to help me. She quickly grabbed a bludgeon and threw it at the dragon.

It hit his nose and he quickly shrugged it off and started to chase Astrid. Hiccup got to me and pulled me along as we all ran from it. Dad opened the gate and motioned for us.

"This way!" He said

We all ran and Astrid and I made it to my dad but the nightmare spewed fired and I squealed. Dad used his cape to shield up as I hid my face in his clothes. Hell, i could feel the heat from here. I looked up to see hiccup didn't make it and I gasped.

"Hiccup!" I cried. He ran backwards as the dragon jumped over the gate where we were and dad shoved me and Astrid behind him. Hiccup ran but the dragon pounced and pinned him. His large claw nearly covered the whole of Hiccup.

The Monstrous Nightmare started to sniff my brother. "You're the male. Regardless" he said and prepared to fire.


I heard an echoing ring. A very specific and familiar sound and my eyes widened. Astrid and I looked at each other.



The force of the explosion forced me and Astrid back as we landed on our behinds. Dad had only stepped back and covered his face. The entire arena was covered in smoke. I ran to the entrance and squinted to see into the ring.

I thought earlier I was scared. The most fear I have ever felt in my life. But no, this was worse. I was frick-fracking terrified.

I looked up and saw a whole in the ring. 'Oh Thor no, please. Hiccup?!'

Then I felt the presence of the other dragons which was even more frightening. I clutched my head as I felt this. They didn't say anything but they were there. Like they were watching and waiting for something. To see what happens.

Then everything cleared and the smoke faded. My stomach dropped. Toothless stood in front of Hiccup and growled loudly and fiercely at the nightmare.

'This is bad'


You Just Gestured To All Of UsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin