Chapter 10: Project Nerezzi?

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I laid in my bed and watched the ceiling. Well, not really. I'm thinking. About everything really. Nerezzi, I mean, Toothless is really nice and friendly. Or this is just a really messed up dream. Finally, I have a friend other than my brother. I mean, I love my brother but I never had another friend before.

Other than Fishlegs but....that's a long story. Popularity is a big thing around here.

Toothless seems to have it rough just like us. Not to mention his fascinating telepathy. I turned on my side and faced my brother as he backed me. I narrowed my eyes and propped my head up on my hand.

"Why did you lie?" I asked knowing full well he wasn't sleeping.

He sat up cross-legged and played with his hands. "He's our first friend in a while. Not to mention a dragon. What do you think his reaction would be if we told him we were the chief's children. The chief that kills his kind?" He said

My eyes widened. He was right. "He would probably kill us thinking we did it just to kill him."


'I don't wanna loose my new friend.'

"Me either"

That's right. The telepathy works but not with Toothless. We figure that it only works when we're in close range.

"Hey, when are we gonna try out the tail?" I asked.

"How about tomorrow?"

I nodded. "First thing in the morning."

We agreed on it and laid down. I hummed. I didn't know the lyrics to the song. Nor did I know who sang it. I only knew it. Me and Hiccup did and I normally sang it to my brother. I heard hiccup sigh and soon fell asleep.

I smiled as I hummed the last tune and my eyes fluttered shut. Sleep overcame my body and I slipped in to the darkness.


I groaned as i heard snickering in my ear. I rolled over and ignored whatever it is still trying to grip onto sleep before it slipped from my grasp.

"Hicca?" My stupid brother sang. I groaned even louder. I can never mistake the lower pitch of my voice. What the hell does he want?

"Hicca, come on! We got to go!" I didn't move but I could feel my brother put his hands on his hips. Hold on. A torch just ignited over his head

Hiccup grabbed my hand and pulled me off the bed and I yelled.


Yup. That was the sound of my body as it hit the floor. I sat bolt upright and looked for the idiot of my brother. Smart him, ran down the stairs.

"We have to try the tail!" He yelled as he ran towards the forge.

"I'll get toothless fish"

Hiccup replied with a no problem and I walked towards the boats. I grumbled as I rubbed the sleep out of my eye. Suddenly I was jerked forward and landed roughly on the ground as a small squeak escape my lips.

Fully awake now, I got up and looked up. Standing above me was my lovely cousin. He snickered. "Nice hairstyle, useless"

He walked away laughing as I glared at him. Hairstyle? What the hell is he talking about?

I walked to the edge of the pier and looked into the water next to the boat. I gasped. My auborn hair that was normally in a neat braid was sticking up in four braids all over the place. It looked black to! I gasped and immediately started to wash my hair out in the sea not caring.

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