Chapter 13: Closer to Flight

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It has been days since we last saw toothless. All this training's been keeping us away and not to mention we haven't gotten around to telling him we are being trained to kill dragons.

And he is going to ask.  Which after saying that, I'm contemplating if we really should tell him. I mean, our friendship is confirmed but......we're still walking on eggshells.

No one has ever trusted a dragon before. We don't know what could happen, which is practically anything. If we tell him this, he might think we're trying to kill us and if not, he would be weary of us knowing we have the skills.

I snort. Skills to kill what? A plant? If so, then you have skills, but a dragon?

I sigh. Can you guess what I'm doing?

Laying on my back, on the roof, looking at the stars and thinking.

This is what it is to have a friendship. It's been so long since I had one. You would do anything for a friend. Anything so they don't get hurt, which can lead to secrets. Secrets being kept aren't always a good thing. And secrets like these are gonna cost us. Probably our life. I am bearly surviving training.

Today the gronckle threw a fireblast my way and I bearly dodged. I burned the edges of my hair and I had to trim it. Then yesterday, the Nadder threw a bunch of spines at me and my brother. Yet again we bearly had time to dodge. Like I said so many times before. The gods love playing games with us. It's amazing really. I'm surprised they aren't bored yet.

What are they gonna do next I wonder? Make us ride a flying sheep and chase trolls? Ooh, ooh, or make an island out of food and place us on it and make bets to see who wins while we run from skullions.

I wanna ride a golphin.

Golphins are so cool. I've only seen two before when sailing. They don't really attack and mind their business.

Let's change our chain of thought shall we?

'I miss toothless' I whined.

'Yeah me too'

'We are the same person, what are you trying to get at?'

"HICCA!" I jumped and nearly fell off the roof. I peeped into my room to see my brother sitting straight up, his hair all over the place and an annoyed on his face. I giggled.

"You are still up?" I asked.

"Obviously! Your thinking is way too loud! Go to sleep!" He yelled. Easy for him to say. I can't sleep. I crawled through the window and into my bed.

"Hush now my children" an elder lady's voice soft and gentle sang across my mind. Our lullaby.

"Close your eyes" I sang the next line softly

"Nothing can hurt you for I am here" sang the next line.

"Such a familiar voice" I said. My eyes started to get heavy and I felt tired.

"I am here" she sang once more.


I felt warmth and sleep overcame me.


Project Nerezzi
Week 1- Test 1: keeping the tail in place

"Get the hell up!" I yelled as I push my brother out of his bed. He hit the floor with a THUD! He groaned already accustomed to my wake up calls.  

"We have no training today and I for one, am going to check up on our friend" I said as I headed out and into the forest not waiting for my brother.

I'm annoyed today. And I don't know why. It's just one of those days when I get....I don't even know what!

We entered the cove and toothless was hanging upside down. His head instantly perked up towards us and when he saw us he bounded over to us happily.

We laughed. "What, thought we forgot about you?" I asked

"Yes" came our very truthful and blunt answered. We frowned.

"We are really sorry. It's just training is killing us and everything" Hiccup replied.

"I'm just kidding, it's ok"  he said and laughed.

"We still feel bad" I whispered as we set up the saddle and the tail after we gave him his fish. He laughed and licked me. I couldn't help but giggle.

We decided that Hiccup would go first. Toothless lowered himself and Hiccup climbed on. "Is that ok toothless?" Hiccup asked

Toothless nodded. "It's fine. I can bearly feel you" he shrugged his shoulders for extra. I giggled .

There was a string connected to the tail and hiccup would hold it and open the tail. They took off and it honestly took a while to get to work together. It was a little hard at first but I'm guessing they are figuring it out.

Toothless took a turn and glided over the lake. The tail seemed fine but then Hiccup pulled the chord and they fell out of the sky.

"Woahh!" Toothless exclaimed. I got up from my spot on the ground and ran over to them.

"Are you guys ok?" I asked as I pulled hiccup on his feet and helped toothless to his. They both nodded.

"Working progress" toothless said with determination. I was shocked.

"Wanna go again?" Toothless asked hiccup. Hiccup nodded and got on and they were off. Hiccup also nodded in determination

They practised some more. With falls here and there. Toothless loved being in the air even if it was a little. I didn't miss his determination and joy.

It made me feel happy to see this. I loved that we were the one doing this. Causing him joy. All we seem to bring is disappointment and annoyance.

I sat at the pond and played with the water. I looked in the water and I saw me staring back. My bangs fell into my forest green eye and my hair was in a normal braid. My small lips were in a frown. I looked away. It's just me. Exactly, not a strong boy, not a girl like Astrid, not my......mother. Just me.

I heard footsteps come my way and saw toothless heading my way. "Are you ok?" He asked his electric green eyes showing concern. I smiled brightly and giggled. My dark mood diminishing.

Toothless looked taken back not expecting me to smile so happily . "I am fine" I said and rubbed his head. He purred slightly and leaned into my touch. Toothless laid down next to me and I laid on his side. I instantly felt better.

"Are you okay?" I asked him. He nodded.

Hiccup walked up toward us and sat down next to me. "I made the notes in the book" he said. I nodded. I could stay like this forever. In peace with my friends away from training and every one. I sighed.

'I wish this peace would last forever'

4 feb 2018
Edited: 2019.07.27

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