The first time I kissed her, I was hooked. I was addicted. I knew then that no one else could ever make me feel so compelled to follow you to the end of the planet. She was not my first kiss, but she was the one who made me realize I didn't want to kiss anyone else. Her lips are the only thing I want to kiss for the rest of my life.

I can't take my eyes off of her features. She's the kind of girl that the stars hoped for and the moon chased. I wish I could articulate how amazing everything about her is—her eyes, the butterflies in her voice, the way her smile makes my heart skip a beat, the way she makes me feel so whole every time I'm with her.

It never occurred to me that I would feel this way about this little beauty. I never imagined falling in love with her to the extent that I do.

"Nini?" She mumbles gently, interrupting my cognitive process. I hummed back, running my fingers through her hair.

"When did you start loving Lili?" She questioned, gazing directly into my eyes. Stop it, baby! I'm melting.

"I knew from the beginning that I had to make you mine." I sincerely said, and she quickly covered her face in the crook of my neck. I knew it. My baby is blushing.

"Baby, may I ask the same question?"

She looked at me and spoke, "You make me feel giddy, and I laugh a lot around you. I didn't grasp what you were saying about romantic love at first, but I eventually got it. It's the way you take care of me in subtle ways and worry about me,"

"That day, I started watching a romantic movie, and that's how I learned what love is. And I get that sense of affection whenever I look at you or when you're near me. You can be intimidating at times, but it's because you care about me. I felt the same way about you, but I'm not sure if I'm capable of love." She added, getting sad at the last words she uttered.

I caressed her cheek gently and smiled. "You, baby, are capable of loving someone. Do you love your parents? You also have feelings for me. I could feel it. Everyone is capable of love, and you are no exception."

"Thank you for showing me how to love someone, nini." She said.

"Baby, Nini wants to tell you a brief story." I winked at her.

"Nini's lips want to cuddle with her lili's lips." I muttered seductively, striking her earlobe with my breath, which caused her to flinch. So we spent the late night eating each other's lips.


I awoke at eight a.m. I started stretching my body and was shocked to see an empty space alongside me. "Lisa?" I began panicking out. Scared that what happened last night, our confessions, our fervent kiss, were all a just dream. I hastily wash my face before heading downstairs, only to discover her eating with Rosie and Jisoo. I exhaled, relieved.

"Lili baby, look who's up." Says jisoo.

Lisa gazed at me with her puffy cheeks, mouth filled with pancakes. Cute.

"Good morning baby." I greeted, showing her my signature gummy smile as i sat beside her.

"How was my baby's sleep?" I asked while wiping the corner of her mouth filled with butter.

"I woke up happy since you cuddled with me last night." She replied pleasantly. Aw, my baby is gorgeous. I stole a glance at the two idiots, noticing them smirking. If only I could remove those smirks in your faces. Tsk.

"Someone's WHIPPED!" They said in unison.

"Says the person who was prepared to buy flowers for--" I didn't get to continue my sentence because my terrified cousin immediately grabbed my lips, keeping me from saying anything that would disgrace her later.

"Uhmpp! Hmp--she likes--mhng!" I'm trying hard to get her palm off of me.

I looked at Rosé and noticed her perplexed expression. Lisa was just giggling as she watched us.

"What are you trying to say about Jennie Unnie?" Rosé asked when I eventually managed to break away from Jisoo's clutches. Now it's my time to smirk.

"Well, this cousin of mine here is.."

"What she was trying to say was that when I was planning to buy flowers for Eomma when I visited her yesterday." Jisoo spoke nervously. Huh, serves you right.

After breakfast, we were sitting on the couch watching a movie when Lisa called me from upstairs.

"Nini!" I pretended not to hear her call me.

"DADDY JENNIE!!!!" It's getting louder and louder,

"WHERE IS MY JENNNNIIIEEEEE!!!!!" Fuck! That's it!

"YES BABY I'M COMING!" I stood up from the couch and looked at the two idiots beside me, who never stopped smirking. Tsk this two.

Before i could run to lisa's room i heard them says, "WHIPPED!" I just rolled my eyes.

As I stepped into Lisa's room, my eyes widened in horror as I realized how disorganized the surroundings were. I looked around and found her near the corner, throwing anything in her hand and stomping her foot with fire in her eyes. Ohh no. I forgot, i'm doomed.

"You're late!" Fudge! I really forgot we have to go to the beach. I'm calling out all the gods out there, please have mercy. Never mess up with the spoiled brat again. Not anymore.

"I'm sorry baby i forgot the time." I said as I picked up a pillow to hide myself in case she threw the Barbie leg doll she was carrying.

And fuck! I really am not mistaken! She really threw it. Fortunately, I was quick and did not get hit. Instead, it landed directly on the cushion that covered me. She was even more irritated since I was not hit.

"I hate you!" She was going to storm outside, but I was quick to grasp her wrist and gently shove her against the bed before crawling on top of her.

"I hate you!"

"No, you don't." I condemned, looked at her intently. I noticed her gulp. I mentally smirk as she becomes afraid of me. But she was still attempting to keep her brat attitude. Let see.

"Get off me! 'Cause i hate yo---" I cut her by slamming my lips against hers.

"Say that again Lisa." I whispered seductively into her ear and softly bit it, sending chills down her spine like electricity. I grew even more thrilled when I felt her body become hot, so I kissed her again, but this time rougher, entering my tongue without asking permission, and she nearly gagged. I carefully move my hands across her body.

"Uhm.." She moaned. Oh, God, that was sexy. I want it more. I proceeded down to her jawline and neck, licking it sensually.

"Do you like it baby.. huh.." As I bit her sweet spot, my little kitten squealed. She is turning me on.

"Do you mind if i make love to your private part with my mouth? hmm? my naughty little kitten." I muttered again, taking a long sensuous lick down her neck to her earlobe and sucking it. But I quickly jumped up from the bed, leaving her dumbfounded. I still need to pack the things we should bring to the beach.


That's what happens when a spoilt brat activates the cold stone. 😠🥶

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