Memories of the Past Part 6

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*16 years earlier*

And so we take a trip.

Where all are equal.

Before Jungkook's parents had lost their jobs.

Before Yeon Hwa's family started their company.

Before Jimin met Taehyung.

Before Taehyung met Namjoon.

Before the organization.

Before, when things were easy.

6 year old Yeon Hwa, plays alone in the playground. She worked well alone. Her parents laughing in the background with other parents. Her mother coming up to her, and hugs her precious child. They build a little sand castle in the sand pit. Another lady comes up with a little boy, who seemed about Yeon Hwa's age. The mothers know each other. They laugh and joke around. The kids look at each other.
"I'm Jungkook." The boy said. The girl laughs
"I'm Yeon Hwa." She told him. The boy throws a little sand at the girl. She throws some sand back at her.
"You're pretty." Jungkook explained. "Like a flower. Will you be my girlfriend?" Yeon Hwa didn't know what that meant. She was confused on what he meant. Suddenly, the young boy closed the distance between then, kissing Yeon Hwa's lips slightly.
Yeon Hwa jumped back in disgust and spit on the ground.
"EW EW EW!" She yelled out. "Germs eomma GERMS!" Her mother and her friend laughed at cute Yeon Hwa. Her mother decided that they were gonna her ice cream together.

"What flavor do you like?" Jungkook asked Yeon Hwa.
"Cookies and Cream." She answered.
"Me too!"
"Stop copying me!" Yeon Hwa yelled at Jungkook. "Eomma!!" The parents laughed, and Yeon Hwa's father sat her in his lap.
"He's copying you Yeon Hwa?" He asked her. Yeon Hwa glares at Jungkook and nodded to her father. "Well then maybe he likes you Yeon Hwa." He explained. Yeon Hwa coughed. "EW I DONT LIKE HIM!" She whined.

Her father laughed putting her back on the floor, to go and play with the annoying little boy. They walked over to a wall where a princess castle was painted on it.
"One day Jungkookie. I'm gonna live in that castle as a princess." Yeon Hwa explained. The new nickname sticking to Jungkook quickly.
"If your the princess, then can I be your prince?" He asked her. She considered the idea but decided he was something else.
"If I'm the princess. You can be my knight." She said. And Jungkook happily agreed.

So I'm not gonna post for a few days (I might like once) cause I'm takin a trip. See y'all soon. Also this chapter/ part was a good one to stop on.

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