Memories of the past part 5

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*15 years earlier*

"Mommy!" Little Yeon Hwa squeaked. The thunder was loud for her today. She couldn't handle it. She needed someone by her side.
"What the hell is it Yeon Hwa?" Her mother asks. "And it's not 'mommy' it's 'mother' got that?"

The mother finds her only child hiding under a chair in the kitchen and drags her out. The father comes in the room as well.

"Thunder scary mother.." Yeon Hwa complains. More thunder came in. She screams and covers her eyes.

Her father scoffs. "I'm not gonna raise a baby Yeon Hwa." Which was weird since Yeon Hwa was only 7...

She didn't answer. The thunder was too loud.

But then her parents were louder.
"She's your freak of a child!" She heard her father complain to her mother. Her mother scoffs and leaves.

The father was outraged. He was ready to beat his child. But he didn't.

Instead he ordered her to go to her room.

"And if I hear you freaking crying over thunder from down here. So help me I will beat you till you pass out child!" The father said

    Yeon Hwa rushes to her room and locked the door. She cried into her pillow and hid under her desk until the rain and thunder had stopped.

She hopped and prayed that her parents couldn't hear her sniffles.

*just a few weeks ago (before Jungkook and organization and stuffff)*

    It was raining. Yeon Hwa knew if she didn't leave her office now. She wouldn't leave until morning.
She was about to leave until she heard the thunder. She fell over.

"T-too loud.." she whispers to herself.

Yeon Hwa couldn't move. She was powerless when it came to thunder.

    She curled up into a ball and just covered her ears until she was absolutely sure the thunder was over.

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