Memories of the Past part 4

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*6 years earlier*

    Jungkook is now 17 years old and still works at the grocery store. He's made a few friends over the years. For the last few years he has been going to high school, trying to graduate, and then right after school he goes to work.
The first friend was a guy named Taehyung. He was a bit older than him but they became close friends quickly. They met when Jungkook was restocking some cans in aisle 8, and Taehyung was going shopping for his parents. Jungkook dropped a lot of cans on the floor because he thought he could carry a lot at once but he was wrong. (Obviously) Taehyung came to help and they started talking.

    Taehyung already knew of Jungkook, especially of his family's financial problem. But he didn't care, Taehyung thought he was a cool guy, why not just hang with him? Either way. He needs the money too, maybe he could help their organization.

    Jungkook knew of Taehyung as well. Not in the best way. Jungkook never had any friends in his highschool, hence why he needed to graduate to leave. Taehyung was part of this gang in highschool, known by everyone. Bangtan Boys. Jungkook never associated himself with them. The Bangtan Boys consisted of 6 guys so far. First was Taehyung, then were his friends, Jimin and Hoseok. Then was Yoongi. Finally there were the bosses of the group, Namjoon and Seokjin.
They hung out some more, and soon, Jungkook was officially part of the Bangtan Boys. Everyone welcomed him, even their scary boss Namjoon, who almost hated everyone. Except one didn't except Jungkook. Park Jimin.
    Jimin was always jealous of anyone who ever came near Taehyung or his buddies. But Taehyung was a popular guy, what could you expect?
A year later, Jungkook graduated highschool, and Taehyung gave him an offer that he really couldn't refuse.

Namjoon has a brilliant idea. At the time all the boys hadn't had enough money for anything really, and Jungkook was the deepest in the debt hole. Namjoon wanted to change this, he wanted all of them to live in luxury. So Namjoon, came up with the organization. Where the members of the organization are supposedly stealing money from the rich for the poor. The 'Robin Hood' plan.

Jungkook has gone along with it. The thought of Jungkook and his family living in a giant mansion blinded him from what Namjoon actually wanted. Money for himself.

Like he was actually going to give to the poor.

Namjoon knew he needed Jungkook. Jungkook was the strongest out of all of them, ironically the youngest as well.

That's when Jungkook started bringing home a lot of money from his missions from Yoongi. When his parents asked where it came from, he just told them he landed a really good job. Jungkook bought them a mansion somewhere far away from the organization.

Because Jungkook knew what Namjoon did to the families of the members of the organization who went rogue.

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