Chapter 1: Rich Girl

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*Yeon Hwa POV*
"Mr. Lee! Can you please get me a medium caramel latte? I'm in the mood for something sweet today." I plead.
My secretary smiles kindly at me. "Yes ma'am." He replies, and rushes out of my office.
I relax in my office chair. Finally, some alone time.
Alone time until my second secretary comes into my office.
"Good morning ma'am. I am here to tell you the schedule today." She explains. I tell her to proceed. Although, it's probably similar to any other day.
"At 8:00 AM, you have a meeting with the production team. After, at 11:00 AM, you meet with the construction workers for the children's hospital they are building soon. At 1, you have lunch wherever you please ma'am. From 2 to 4 you have some free time today. At 5 pm, your mother wants to have dinner with you today. Then after that is finished, you have some paperwork to finish here." She finishes.

"Thank you Ms. Kang. Please get back to work."

She nods and leaves in peace. The room is quiet again, with me the only living thing inside. I try to focus on my paperwork, but I know I will have time to finish it later, and I'd rather be bored now than later.

My family was the one who started this company. 'So Incorporations', known for their well crafted and designed furniture and home decor. And after years of my parents' dictatorship, I have finally taken over. I've been trying to do something different for the company. Right now, us So's are considered money snatchers in some eyes. That we are no help to society in general, considering that we use real animal fur for our products, but now I want to fix that. Now I am using faux fur instead of the real deal. But that's not where I would stop. I now am paying towards the new children's hospital in Seoul. Although it's nice, having more money than anyone in South Korea, I want to help people.
My parents think differently however. They think that money is the most important thing in the world. Sometimes I wonder if they're really my own parents. They never think about what benefits me either. One day, I told them I wanted to live my life, to date, get married and have children. When they realized this, they found some perfect, rich guy for me to marry.
The other parts of my family had better lives than me. Probably because they went out and were living them.
"Why don't we go out for lunch Yeon Hwa? It's been too long." Is something my cousins would always say.

My answer...?

"Sorry. I have a meeting today." Or, "Oh. Today? Sorry, I have a lot of paper work to catch up on."

Missing family gatherings were also common for me. And of course it was hard, seeing all the pictures of the memories that my family were making without me.
Mr. Lee comes in with my latte.
"Here you go ma'am, a medium caramel latte."
I thank him and take the drink. Taking a sip, I motion for him to leave.
"But ma'am, your first meeting is in 10 minutes." He says. I look at my watch. He's right.


Another boring meeting on another boring day.

Sitting in the meeting room with the other workers, they talk about some building they're going to make to expand the company, but I wouldn't know much from it...

For that my mind was on other things.

My mind wanders to a dream land. Where I meet a man who would take care of me, and we would live happily ever after.

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