Namjoo look at Chorong for permission, and she nodded. Namjoo began to search on him and found a Letter, a little crumbled but 'To: Apink' was clearly written on top. Namjoo then gave Chorong the letter. And Chorong read the content;

'To: Apink

If this letter were on your hands, that means im not around anymore. I knew this will happened sooner or later, I was trapped by BTS. I almost betrayed EXO and make you girls in danger. Im sorry.... I probably still alive right now, but I cant really promised you that.

The last hints... I'll gave it to EXO, you just need to work with them since they wouldn't possibly figured how to open the treasure chest.

If I cant make it, continued this mission together with them. don't worry, they're not like we used to think about them. if turns out im alive and somehow I could managed to regroup with you & EXO, we'll continue just like what we planned and.... you know what to do after that ryt? Once again.... Im sorry, for not being careful and take care of myself.

Love, Bbom.'

Chorong scrambled the letter and folded it so it'll fit into her pocket. She took a deep breath and scoffed,

"this fool, she always like that! she'll do anything to protect others again and look what happened to herl!? Stupid Bbom!"

"u-unnie... what happened?" ,Hayoung spoke from behind, she still holding her guns to D.O's head while Naeun pointed hers at Chanyeol's.

"did you trust us  now? we ourself.... Still trying to figure this shit out. With you fighting against us wont help Bomi at all. in fact, more time wasted and who knows what happened next?" ,Chen cleared his explanation.


Chorong uncock her gun and place her guns back to the holster.

"u-unnie?!" ,Eunji surprised by her actions.

"They're not the one that we should be targeting now. you! Chen right?" ,Chorong called him.

"how did you kn-" ,Suho wondered loud enough for Chorong to hear it.

"cuz Bomi told us everything." She answered it fast and continued talking to Chen, "give me the last hint. We'll figured this out by ourself and we'll save her from those dogs, BTS."

"No. im sorry that I already read your letter. But that'll against her will. Who knows that she actually had a plan that's why she's asking you to work with us. And how come 5 girls, brake trough the biggest military basecamp that is well-guarded by a hundred troops, and save their most valuable hostage? You'll die before you even saw her." ,Chen refused her command.

Chorong face stiffened. Being the leader of Apink, she knew what they're capable and not capable of. And without Bomi, their best fighter, what Chen's described could actually happened.

"sorry to interupt you two but I still couldn't grasped this situation between you Apink with Bomi and what Chen just told us. But can we please just talked this out in a proper manners? One of us already injured back there and you injured two more. Its 6 against 5, im not saying we'll win if we fight, but the more people in a good condition will help us save Bomi faster." ,Suho explained while pointed at Kai and to the two who's now a hostage by Apink. What he said actually hit Chorong's logic, She wondered for a second before finaly grabbed Eunji's wrist and pointed the gun down.

"fine, with one condition. No weapons are allowed, mine and yours. Not even a small needle." ,Chorong suggest.

"deal." ,Suho accepted with that all weapons are now down, Suho brings out 2 box to put their weapons there. One for Apink and one for EXO. He then placed it at the corner of garage room, far from where they stand.

"you want to know about the hints too right? Lets head to the meeting room, and we will submereged the ship to prevent any disturbance or someone who could possibly saw us." ,Suho continued. With that EXO and Apink head to the Meeting Room. while they're walking, Suho whos besides Chen whispered to him,

"Chen... who are this girls exactly?"

"they are Apink. Bomi's team that we talked about before. and they're also an alumnus from the best Assasin Academy." ,Chen explained and Suho's eyes got bigger for a second and his eyes back to the front while mumbling,

'so all this time we live with a woman-assassin, and there're 5 of them now, great, just great.'


At BTS basecamp....

BTS gathered at the small hall with a linear table on the center for a meeting, the chief finaly entered the room and take a seat on the rear.

"I've seen the interrogation result, and we didn't have much to be honest. Base on that information only, we cant catch the real deal faster. And about that girl.... Have all of you noticed something from her?" ,The Chief asked curiously.

"mm... we haven't really do research on her sir. We only knew a view from her cuz strangely her data isn't available on the community data." ,Suga answered.

"I see.... is she the one that he's been searching for?" ,The chief mumbled.

"is there something that we have to know sir??" ,Jimin asked in careful way cuz he didn't want the Chief to felt disappointed by their lacking.

"im not sure myself either... but I think this Yoon Bomi.... could it be that she is our Headmaster's daughter?" ,The chief wondered while looking at Bomi's profile on the table. And BTS were gagging with shock.

"w-what?! She's Headmaster Yoon's daughter?! Now that I think about it again, her surname and birthplace is similar to the Headmaster's" ,Suga speculated fast.

"but Im not sure either, since Headmster Yoon never mentioned about his family at work.he said after her 2nd interrogation are done, he wants her to be transferred to the Bighit Main Base." ,The Chief added slightly confused too.

"TO THE MAIN BASE?! Aren't the cell there are just for..... a dead-penalty prissoners ?! she's not even the Brutal Thiefs though, she could be just an innocent citizen. Why with the sudden command, Chief?!" ,Jungkook stated shocked and disagree with the anouncement.

"....when you made a report that you caught a girl that works with Brutal Thiefs to stole YGE's treasure, I was actually with Headmaster Yoon at that moment. I told him your report and he bagan to look.... Should I say anxious? He then sent me here to ensure about this girl identity, and I actually already sent him the first interrogation result and he wants her sent to the Main Base ASAP. But I told him we still have a couple procedure to be done that's why he's suggesting to speed up the 2nd interrogation." ,The Chief explained.

"why?! The Headmaster is not even the Head General of this special forces! He's just.... Someone whos sponsored our job, and stocked our weapons. that's why he got that Headmaster title!" ,Jungkook bursted.

"Jungkook! hold your temper, you're talking to the Chief!" ,Jin scold him.

"hahaha... That's ok Jin, I know Jungkook had the worst temper and mood-swing. If only that friend is still here, you two gonna be the best-couple in this force...." ,The Chief smile sadly to Jungkook and everyone just stay silent. "...anyway... just speed up the 2nd interrogation first and lets see what will happened next. Understood?"

"Yes Chief Choi!"

yehet, do you guys have a vision of who aer this Chief Choi? ShineePink where are yall~😂 and Bomi's father is indeed working with the special forces BTS, but BTS side didnt really enjoyed this connection though. we'll see what happened to Bomi and Apink x EXO unity~

PS: double update cuz i hate to make you guys hanging like this. since im also angry at my self for making a cut on that part😂

Love, Chessire25

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