'why... why fate never been good to me? why all of my precious people always taken away from me?'

"are you ok? Here."

Someone handed Baekhyun a can of beer. When he stand up to take it shown D.O whos now taking a seat besides him.

"why are you here?"

"to accompany you ofcourse. So you don't look stupid anymore when you came to the controller room later." ,D.O stated.

"hehe.... I do look stupid when im angry huh?" ,Baekhyun chukled.

"actually... I came to tell you something. About Bomi."

"what about her?" ,Baekhyun sipped his beer and look at D.O

"she's not on your side Baek... she's not on our side. Maybe its better if she's gone." ,D.O stated.

"what are you talking about??"

"have you noticed that we actually never asked her about her background and previous life?"

"what do you mean? Chen told us that she had a team and she worked with her team to protect the chest."

"are you sure that Chen told us EVERYTHING?" ,D.O said while looking at Baekhyun eyes. Baekhyun now turned serious, "....have you ever thought that Bomi could be on the enemies side? have you forgot our real mission?"

"D.O.... I don't understand... do you know something that I don't know?" ,Baekhyun asked.

"this mission is actually for our revenge right? All of us.... Were destroyed by YGE, by their dirty tactics. They destroyed Suho hyung father's company and also your father's company, they killed any witness of their dirty play including Chen's girlfriend, they accused Lay hyung for drugs when they're the one who smuggled and hide it in Lay hyung's house. YGE is the reason why we gathered to kill and steal from their underdogs!"

"I know.... And this will also be our last mission; to kill the man behind YGE and stand for everyone's justice. But what do you mean with Bomi is on the enemies side?" ,Baekhyun completed him. D.O silent for a second and decided to told Baekhyun,

"she's not just Bomi from the secret agent company or whatever. I heard her convo with Chen, about her past. and.... that She is Yoon Bomi. daughter of Yoon Beomho, the head of YGE, our last target."

D.O stated and Baekhyun couldn't helped it but shocked by the truth. Not only the fact is already shocking He also lost his trust for her, cuz turns out.... Only Baekhyun who's open-up to her, indeed Bomi never mentioned her background in details to other EXO member but he also hoped that she will open up to him first rather than to Chen.

Meanwhile at BTS basecamp...

Bomi was taken to an investigation room with her hands being cuffed and her injured head also hasn't been treated yet. She sat in the middle of the room with a table in front of her. Suga, the one whos in charge for interrogating her sat in front of her with a paper and pen.

"I give you question, and you will answered it without delay. TRUTHFULY!" ,Suga emphasized and Bomi nodded weakly. And the Q&A began, its actually only basic information like name, birth place and birthdate, and soon it began more specific.

"how did you get involved with EXO? I heard that you're a maid from the mansion back in July, but the owner never hired one to protect the treasure chest. Explain!" ,Suga command.

"its.... Coincidence. EXO took me by forced when I was there. And about the treasure chest... I dusguissed myself as a maid so I can come to the party, but I ended up at the treasure chest room, and it just happened I took it." ,Bomi tried to make an excused without bringing Apink.

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