chapter=14 Glimpse of an evil plan(edited)

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1.62k viewers thanks a lot and please check out my new novel its sequel of Stuck With Arrogant CEO and Different Hearts: Silent For His Sake...enjoy reading...

I don't know what will happen once I  announce my decision every eye will focus on me every movement of mine will be known everyday activity will be recognized because Z&R company is well known these people are too rich too famous but I just for once want to stand up for myself and show them I can handle myself I know they don't want me to say yes and I will say yes...

"Please come on stage Miss Zainab Hassan, "I heard my name echo in room by him and everyone clapped cheered and urged me to go it was just like I wasn't a maid just a few minutes ago how things change within few minutes.

I still hadn't looked up at him I didn't want it like that all attention and flashlights on me  I tried my best to focus on what I will be asked and what I will answer as I could see many reporters inside the room and tomorrows newspapers will have today's latest news that a low-class maid turning into billionaires assistant wow...

The mic was handed to me I felt my hands shaking and I avoided looking at crowd beneath me it was not me this girl was becoming confident ...I just came to attend the function and leave but Allah had other plans.

With shaky hands and still nervousness filled in me,  I touched the mic scared I might drop it I held tight and I heard a voice next to my ear whispering soothing and calming words.

"You can do it," the voice whispered I knew it was Zahid since the day he has come everything has changed...why did he come?

"Yes I will accept your offer," I said with confident I knew some were sending me death glares or planning my murder while some were happy I might have even formed enemies.

Ya Allah, please help me with this new beginning it sounds like this is all dream.

"Congratulations and welcome to the company more we will discuss tomorrow InshaaAllah at office and now you can all enjoy the party," Zahid took the mic from me and announced soon everyone dispersed and enjoyed their moments.

No one else from his family congratulated me apart from staffs and other board members he introduced me to some of them.

I  felt uncomfortable with attention I was being given and  I was glad I wore the niqab and they couldn't see my reaction I looked anywhere but at their faces trying to lower my gaze but it was not easy.

Soon party was over and everyone left I felt tired plus tomorrow InshaaAllah I will have to be at the office he said he will accompany me ya Allah how will I manage all this being close to him in the same car in the same office?

"Congratulations on your plan of first being a maid in this house and now playing around with my son and joining company, "evil aunt's voice boomed aghhh.....

"I didn't plan anything, "I tried to remove the false assumptions she had of me all time thinking negative his son was the one who came up with this idea out of nowhere.

"Yeah but remember you will never win, "Zahid's father's voice was filled with rage anger he had other plans and his son spoiled it all they never expected it that it will turn out like this.

I left for my room leaving them all stunned but smiled at my decision I think Zahid is different from them.

****Late night after party*****

****Third person's pov*****

"This was not in plan damnit, "Zahid's dad said while banging his fist on table getting angry upon his son while ladies just smiled knowing what the guy had been up to.

"Relax, "Zahid's mom told his husband while giving him a glass of juice and they all cheered celebrating at success party it was all their plan.

"This is just the beginning watch what happens next soon everything they had will be in our hands she doesn't even know, "Rehmat told them and her mum then both laughed evilly smirking.

"Yeah, dad this was just to win her trust see what happens next your son is smart," Zahid tried explaining to his father and all confusion faded understanding dawned in that it worked out this way it was all new plan formed and they needed something from the girl and the first thing was trust.

It was plan evil plan Zahid had to win Zainab's trust from the beginning and then only they will get whatever they wanted and they all added more juice to their glasses and cheered at their evil plan of trapping an innocent girl.

So sorry for such Cliffhanger and what about  Zahid huh? evil plan?

Poor Zainab.....😳

THE DAY HE CAME❤💔everything changed(EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now