"Precisely." He nodded pleased that I had got that. "The attacks were a show of dominance. However, I was very pleased to find out that the Nobellians were harder to take down than we thought. We had lost so many in the first war."

"So did Nobellians." I told him, but if he heard my words he surely didn't act like it.

"I remember my father being shocked that the Nobellians had decimated our numbers after the first time. But one thing I could say about my father that was pleasant was that losing only made him more determined." He tapped a thoughtful finger along his chin, artic eyes that flashed white languidly going over the features of my face. "Our lost just pointed out things we needed to change and fueled the need for my father to figure out Nobellians' weaknesses, so the next time we visited we abducted. I thought I had finally had things figured out when we decided to do this war thing with the Nobellians one more time but before the war could began, it ended."

My mind raced back to that day, long ago, when the Dynoats had invaded knowing exactly what day he was talking about. They had been so close to hurting my best friend, Simon, when something overtook me and out of nowhere the invaders were materializing into snow. The day I wiped out his soldiers.

"It was me." I raised my eyes which had been looking at the table, contemplating the words he had been saying moments before. My eyes caught his seeing something heated melting the glaciers swimming in his gaze. The look gave me goosebumps.

"Yes, it was you." A smile lit his face, changing his features into something hauntingly beautiful. The smile was different from the other ones I had seen. It was the smile of the devil. It was stunning, almost angelic to eye, but behind it I knew laid the malicious intent of a fallen angel. "You managed to wipe out all my people and when I found out it was a girl, imagine my surprise."

With that smile still on his face, from his pocket, he slid a picture in my direction

I let out a breath looking at my mug shot, the paralysis that had seemed to seize my body at his smile halting. "So for me beating you, you invaded my planet and killed millions of lives? Why would you do that? Why would you take the most sacred thing from my planet? You don't know how fail gracefully?" I hissed, trying to remain calm but the more I thought about this entire situation, the more I began to become indignant.

He suddenly stood up and strolled around the table to my side with patient steps. He stooped to my level, the woodsy scent of him caressing me and trying to pacify my emotions. He was entirely too close and I found myself leaning back. He noted the action and merely smirked.

"Besides the Orb of Tranquility, which I could sell in the galactic black market, Terra really presents nothing for me. The Orb of Tranquility was simply bait. The soldiers you fought against and won, they were our weakest. They were expendable, a mere test to gauge how powerful the Nobellians still were."

Perplexity caused my eyebrows to furrow before the realization of what he was saying began to sink in. I felt my lip wobbled. "But I-I-."

"Didn't you find that it was too easy to defeat an army that had taken on multiple planets before you and won? You thought you did something phenomenal when you did that arctic blast?" He chuckled. It sounded harsh, taunting. "I guess you did, it surely got my attention. It was cute, but in the grand scheme of things, you merely just put yourself on the market, especially after I found out you were also behind the decimation of one our prisoner camps."

Heart sinking, watching him step on the belief that I had single-handedly saved a planet. "But Terra?"

He huffed seeming annoyed that I kept asking about Terra. "Darling, I personally never cared about Terra, more so my father. The destruction of it was just a little entertainment while I waited for the main course to arrive."

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