Chapter 32 - Looking out for You

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"Well damn, Stilinski, you've got me figured out." I laugh, "sounds like a plan, I'll head to the animal clinic now then." I tell the trio.

"Okay," Liam nods, "Are you sure you want to miss more school though?" He frowns, voice swimming with concern.

"Yeah, silly, I'm completely fine with missing school," I walk closer to him and play with his hair, smirking at him, "it gives me an excuse to see you after school, so you can go over the notes with me."  I kiss him quickly but firmly on the lips.

When I pull away he's grinning widely, "I'll never get used to that."

"Me neither." I bite my lip, smiling, "okay, got to go, see you later," I say, stepping away from him.

He grabs my wrist and pulls me back, "bye," he whispers before kissing my cheek, "stay safe."

"I always do, an you better stay safe too," I reply, before pulling away once again, watching him nod.  After waving goodbye to a stunned Scott and Stiles, I make my way out of the school, being careful not to attract attention to myself as a I am bunking off school after all.

I find the Jeep in the sea of cars and hop in, feeling odd being in the front, let along the drivers seat.  I drive carefully, not wanting to hurt the love of Stiles' life.  When I arrive I hop out of the car, making sure to lock it behind me.

I push the door open and walk inside and notice Theo walking around the corner towards me.

"What's going on?" He asks quickly.

"Hello to you too, Theo," I chuckle dryly, "I came to check that you're doing your job properly, and to be honest, whoever's stealing the bodies probably isn't going to do it while we're standing guard over one of them."

"So you got a better idea?" Theo quirks an eyebrow.

I nod, tilting my head slightly, before pulling my phone out of my pocket and linking it up to the smart watch Stiles lent me, I prop it up on one of the shelves and move a few of the things to disguise my phone slightly.

I shrug my shoulders at Theo before walking outside to Stiles' car and unlocking it.

"Come on, get in," I mutter before opening the door, climbing into the drivers seat, then slamming it closed behind me.

He then climbs into the passenger seat and lets out a deep breath.

I pull the watch out of my hoodie pocket and search for a place to put it.  I notice the rear view mirror, and keeping the watch done up, I slide it onto the mirror.

"What happens now?" Theo asks.

"We wait," I sigh, leaning back in my chair.

"You want to take shifts watching?" He offered.

"No, no.  I want to spend some quality time with you," I say sarcastically.

"Sounds good to me." He replies.  I see him smiling smugly at me in the corner of my eye, but I ignore him and keep looking forward.

"Why are you holding what happened last night against me?" Theo asks, breaking the silence.

"Why do you think?" I let it an exasperated breath, turning to face him in my seat.

"I don't know, that's why I asked." He shrugs, shuffling back into chair and slowly turning face me. "You don't seem to care nearly as much about what Stiles did!"

I scoff, tilting my head up, before looking back down at him, which truly seems to portray confusion. I pause then give in with a sigh, "Because, Stiles killed Donovan in self-defence-" I begin to explain before being quickly cut off.

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