Begrudging (Leila x Jensen)

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"That guy is Lucas Jensen, you know him and he's a great guy," You clarified, "I'm with you for crying out loud, do you really see me as the cheating type."

He shrugged his shoulders slowly, "You know I'm having trust issues these days." You widened your eyes at his statement, "You're unbelievable!"

"So tell me... why'd you do it?" He asked with that smile again and you leaned forward.

"Get that filthy smirk off your face then I'll talk," You scolded and he obeyed after staring at you like his eyes were burning your skin, "I was saying goodbye to him, did you know that he's leaving town? He isn't coming back Jensen, that's the whole point of our meet up! But oh I'm sorry, Mr. Narrowmindedness, too busy with your scripts huh? You don't have any time for me and life?! I guess I'm not that priority I used to be."

You sat back and he sucked in a sharp breath. "You're such an asshole honestly," You spat, "You have this... tunnel vision and once you're convinced you can't see anything else."

And that's where it all started, after an hour of an argument you were still hot with rage and Jensen was no less.

"How could I what? JENSEN I DIDN'T CHEAT ON YOU FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!" You screamed at his face the shoved past him and he attempted to stop you one last time.

"LEAVE. ME. ALONE," You warned with resentment, "Otherwise so help me I will make sure you suffer!" He gulped then took a step back.

He sighed, feeling bad about treating you like this, "Leila... Come on please-"

"SHUT UP JENSEN," You yelled back and slammed for bedroom door shut. You paced around angrily, you didn't want to cry. Normally you'd have teared up and would be sobbing in the corner but right now you needed to exhaust your energy somehow.

You grabbed one of your pillows and started banging it on the wall then slamming it down repeatedly on your bed. You punched it with hard fists and the maximum amount of force you could.

You still felt rage... You wanted to beat someone up.

You stood by the door, listening in on the conversation Jensen was having with himself.

"She hugs a guy and it's apparently my fault?! Did I make her hug him? NO!" He mumbled furiously to himself, "There's a thing called loyalty and that's gone when you're kissing a guy when you're clearly ENGAGED!"

That does it.

You opened the door and stormed out, marching towards Jensen. He heard your shoes stomping the wooden floor and turned around.

You raised your arm to slap him, he shut his eyes with many preparing himself. You stopped inches away from him then bit your lip hard and sucked in a breath.

You sighed and looked to the floor.

"Jensen I... I watch you go to filming sets and meet so many people. I watch the episodes of you with women, you're kissing and them and doing things that just..." You frowned and he sulked, wanting to hug you but you pushed him away.

You started to tear up, "I feel terrible, and nobody n-notices or cares-"

"I care Leila, I care so much-"

You turned back and glared at him with tears on your cheeks, "If you cared you would notice Jen."

He came over and hugged you from behind, you didn't stop him from doing it. He held you tightly, kissing your head.

"I can't believe you really would think that I would cheat on you," You took on a shaky, tear-filled breath, "Jensen I just... I hugged him-"

He turned you around and kissed you on the lips. After quite a long moment, you pulled away and rested your forehead on his.

He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer, his hands sliding down your sides slowly.

"Do I... need to make it up to you," He growled with a smirk on his lips. You looked at him and carressed his cheek, "Just promise me you won't yell at me like that."

He looked at you with realisation hurt. "Oh sweetheart I'm so sorry that I-Gosh I'm such a dick," He shook his head with grief, "No matter what I should never tell at you like that for anything."

"You scared me Jen, seriously," You mumbled then hugged him cozily, nuzzling your head into his chest. "I can never be as sorry as I should be," His chest reverberated, sort of massaging your cheek.

You shut your eyes and smiled softly as your tears dried up.  "You know, I..." You traced the stitching on his shirt and grinned, "On second thought, I'm still angry at you and you need to make it up to me."

He pulled away from the hug and eyed you. You shrugged your shoulders with a fake-innocent smile. He chuckled then took your hand and kissed the top.

Jensen is it tightly and pulled you out of the living room. You could guess where he was taking you and after that... Well, you had a few ideas of what could happen.

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