Chapter 31 - Another Chimera

Start from the beginning

Liam shrugs helplessly, "she was okay when we got here.  I went to text you for two seconds  and she locked herself in."

"Why?" Stiles asks, tilting his head to the side.

"I don't know." Liam flusters.

"Why do you think?" I ask rhetorically, with an exasperated scoff, "Liam what did you tell her? That she was a Chimera? About the Dread Doctors? About werewolves?"

He shrugs and nods slightly.

I let out a shocked laugh, "and you all wonder why she's freaked?" I raise an eyebrow at them, "Scott how did you feel when you found out you were a werewolf?"

He gulps, "confused." He offers.

"Now imagine you weren't bit, but actually some weirdo doctors made you into a werewolf," I continue, "understand now, why she might just be a little scared?"

The boy's nod cautiously, seeming slightly cautious of another outburst from me.

Scott slowly turns to Liam again, "she's definitely a Chimera, then?"

He nods, "she said she heard a voice saying; 'your condition improves'" he quotes, eyebrows raised.

"Okay, that's unsettling," Stiles mutters before walking up to the door and knocks, "Hayden, this is Stiles.  Your sister works with my dad down at the station.  Look just open the door, okay? You can trust us."

I sigh before walking to the door myself and begin to convince Hayden to open the door, "my turn I guess, hi Hayden, I'm Alexa, you don't really know me but um look," I try to think of a way to get her to come out, "we just need to tell you the truth, and that kind of thing is usually better face-to-face."  I look back to the boys before turning back and continuing, "listen, either you're gonna unlock the door or I'm gonna have to break it open.  It's okay if you don't want to talk, or if you're not ready to believe us, but they- we gotta know you're okay in there."

The door suddenly clicks, and I turn back to them with a shocked grin.  My face falls when I see them not sharing a remotely similar expression.  I turn round slowly following their gaze.  Hayden is stood in the bathroom, teeth extended, eyes a bright yellow, examining the claws protruding or of the tips of her fingers.

"I believe you."  She pants.

I turn back to the boys and raise my eyebrows, shoving my hands into my shorts' pockets, "my work here is done," I stroll between Scott and Stiles patting them on the shoulders, "good luck." I smile, looking between them, before walking downstairs.

Liam hot on my trail.  When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I walk into the living room, then turn around to face Liam, arms crossed.

"Yes?" I tilt my head.

"Are we good?" He asks, restlessly.

"What do you mean?" I raise an eyebrow.

"You seem annoyed at me."  He looks down at his hands, fidgeting nervously.

"I mean I'm a tad pissed," I confess, "we go on a date and two days later you're all lovey-eyed with Hayden." I roll my eyes.

"Your jealous?" He quirks an eyebrow.

"Well I definitely am now, since you didn't even deny it!" I exclaim, trying my hardest to hide the fact that my heart just plummeted to the bottom of my stomach. I was right. Of course he likes her, why would he pick me when there's a much prettier, less-broken girl to choose.

"Woah, hey, I'm sorry okay," He shushes, coming closer to me, turning serious as he realised that I'm serious, "I don't like Hayden, there's nothing going on between us. In fact I'm pretty sure she hates me."

"Yeah right," I scoff, "she definitely likes you."

"Well even if she did, that wouldn't matter," he cups my face in his hands gently, "because there's an new girl who has got me head over heals."

A small relieved and giddy smile makes its way into my face, as I move my arms to rest on his shoulders, weaving my hands together behind his head, "Oh really who's that?" I bite my lip, suppressing the huge grin fighting its way into my face.

He tilts his head down and presses his lips to mine. I kiss back, pulling him closer by the back of his head, tangling my hands in his hair.

He reluctantly pulls away, stroking my cheek with his thumb, "does that answer you're question?"

"Hmm, I'm not sure..." I don't even try to hide my borderline mad smile.

He grins at me cheekily, before dropping his hands to below my waist and hastily picking me up, clasping his hands together underneath my butt. I squeal in surprise, hitting him gently on the chest.

He grins at me once more, before walking over to the couch, he gently lies me down on it, leaning over the armrest to do so, propping himself up over me with his arms on either side of my head.

I raise my eyebrows at him in questioning, but I'm stopped from talking by Liam peppering kissed from my lips down to my neck.

"Stop! Stop!" I giggle, "that tickles!"

"Oh really?" He looks up raising an eyebrow at me, "Well then..." he trails off before sitting up, so he's straddling my hips, then digging his fingers into my waist.

I squeal, "Nooooo!!!" I laugh as he continues to tickle my, "Stoooooppppp!!" I push on his chest a few times and apparently the last time was a bit too hard, because he wobbled then falls off of the couch. And due to his legs being around my hips tightly he ends up pulling me down with him.

Liam takes the grunt of the fall with a loud thud, leaving me lying on top of him. The pair of us burst our laughing for like a minute straight, only stopping when we Stiles walks down the stairs and into the room.

He stops short when he sees us, "I'm not even gonna ask." He shakes his head, a slight smile on his face, before walking out of the front door.

I look back down at Liam and we snigger, "why do I always end up on top of you?" I ask, referring to our date.

"I guess you just can't get enough of me," He sighs in content, as I lay my head on his chest, it vibrating as he speaks.

"Guess I can't," I murmur, snuggling into his chest, as he puts his arms around me.

And we stay lying there for at least five minutes, despite being on the floor.

I know it's sad cause I wrote it but I'm inlove with their relationship AH 😍😍
Anyhoo, if you enjoyed this chapter, gimme a lovely jubley VOTE!
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Thanks, see ya next week!

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