"So do I gain any power from this  like last time?" Jade asked; remembering the extra strength she got after their last session. 

"Yes. You will gain may ability to keep my focus, and you will learn a little more about Katana." Nayumi answered. 

"Will I regain all your memories at the end of all this?" Jade asked. 

"I do not know. I hope you gain nothing from me other than my power." Nayumi said. 

"Now, now, what about your love for that dog demon and you ittle sister?" a familiar voice said from the shadows.

"Sakura." Nayumi growled; immediately getting into a fighting position.

"Seems you're going to have to teach this girl how to react." Sakura said; now standing being Jade.

"I think she can handle herself." Nayumi laughed as Jade whipped around and punched Sakura in the jaw.

"I see she's already gained your strength and speed." Sakura sneared.

"Get out of my head." Jade said; putting her hands on her hips.

"You don't have the juice to kick me out." Sakura laughed.

"What do you want?" Nayumi asked.

"I came to tell you that if you keep this up, that girl will cease to exist. Your soul will overtake hers." Sakura replied.

"Let me guess, when I was dying you cursed me?" Nayumi spit the words out.

"I cursed your soul. If she manages to reach your level of power, then Jade will be thrust into your spot as you take over hers. She will be trapped inside you as you are trapped inside her. To make things even moe fun, you will become a dog demon is that happens." Sakura smiled.

Jade could feel the disgust coming from Nayumi.

"This is why she doesn't want you to gain anything more from her than power. If you gain any of her emotions, then you won't be able to fall in love with Sesshomaru." Sakura laughed.

"There's nothing going on with me and the demon. I haven't even seen him since he went off to look for you." Jade retorted.

"History has a way of repeating itself." Sakura shrugged.

"History won't repeat. I won't let it. If Jade chooses to love Sesshomaru, then I will not allow her to be killed." Nayumi growled; lunging at Sakura.

"I forgot you still had you powers in here!" Sakura yelled as Nayumi grabbed her arm; a blinding light covering her hand.

"You haven't seen the last of me." Sakura yelled as she ran away.

        "What was that?" Jade asked when Sakura was gone.

"The last thing you will learn." Nayumi replied.

"Why can't I learn it now?" Jade asked.

"Because I cannot teach it to you until you unlock it." Nayumi said; turning and looking her in the eye, "When you do, you will surpass me in power and will be able to destroy Sakura. I will call you when it's time for more training. Return to the otherside of the well for a few days."

"I can't. Everytime I think of leaving the mark on my back burns." Jade said.

"If you have intentions of returning, then  you will be able to leave. If you don't then you will be stuck here. If you refuse to return when you do make it back, then you will die. You fate is sealed to this time. When Sakura is dead, then you will be free to choose which world you want to live in. Just like Kagome was." Nayumi said, and the dream disappeared.

        "Good morning, Jade." Sango said as she walked outside.

"Hello, Sango. How are the kids?" Jade asked with a smiled. She had grown fond of the twins and their new baby boy.

"They're great!" Sango said with a smile.

"Thats good." Jade said with a smile, "Have you seen Rin around?"

"She was going to the lake a little bit ago. I haven't seen her since." Sango replied.

"Thanks." Jade said; heading to the lake.

        When she got there, her heart stopped. Rin wasn't anywhere to be found, and there were signs of a struggle. Then she found the blood. Without thinking, Jade drew Katana across her calve; causing blood to start to drip. She let a good puddle form, and then she started running.

Sesshomaru or Inuyasha will smell my blood and be able to follow it. There's not time to waste. I have to help Rin. Jade thought as she ran.

It wasn't until she had run for over an hour that she remembered the connection she had with Sesshomaru.

Fluffy. Rin's been taken. Jade thought.

        Jade's voice rang in his head. Fluffy. Rin's been taken.

The words stopped him cold. He had grown to care about Rin more than anything, and the thought of her being taken made his stomach drop.

I'm coming. He thought back to her.

Follow the blood by the lake. Jade's reply came immediately.

Rin's hurt? He asked; anger filling his thoughts.

There's was some of her blood, but not much. I'm talking about my blood. Jade replied.

You're hurt? Sesshomaru asked as she flew back towards the village.

Let's just say I left you a trail. Jade's response was hesistant, but images of her cutting her leg followed.

Some days you're just like Nayumi. Sesshomaru replied; physically sighing.

Shut up and fly, fluffy. Jade retorted.

        "Already here." Sesshomaru said; appearing beside her.

"Holy crap! Don't do that!" Jade yelled as she jumped.

"Hurry up and get on before you lose too much blood." Sesshomaru said; grabbing her arm and pulling her onto his back with ease.

"Can you smell Rin?" Jade asked.

"Yeah. She isn't far." Sesshomaru replied, "You're trail of blood helped."

Another Worldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें