Love Lost (Alexander)

Start from the beginning

"Hey [y/n], I thought I'd bring us something to have for a snack," He said and took out a box of Dunkin' Donuts. He opened it up and you licked your lips at the sight of all the tempting desserts sitting patiently to be eaten.

You took one happily and ate a big bite, thanking him for being thoughtful. You and Alex sat in silence for a while, in fact until you both finished eating.

You constantly wanted to say something to break the awkwardness but you didn't have the courage or confidence to say anything at all.

You couldn't wait for another second.

"Alex, look we need to talk about us. I can't take this undecided status any longer," You said, "I need to know if you feel the same as I do."

He took a deep breath, his heart beating faster as he thought about every single moment he was with you and felt the sparks of wanting something more.

"I like you [y/n], I really do and I... If we want we could make us work," He said and held your hand, "We haven't missed out on it yet."

You smiled softly, "Are you sure? Do you really feel that way?"

"Of course I do," He took your hand and kissed the top, "Why would I say all that if I didn't?"


You've been on Supernatural for three seasons now, one of which was with Alexander Calvert, an actor who had made his appearance on another CW show 'Arrow'.

You felt an instant connection with him, he was someone likable and someone people couldn't see anything wrong with.

Jared, Jensen and Misha, being the fun loving guys they are, would prank Alex as a 'welcome to the gang' gesture. You'd play on with them too sometimes, it helped to make set life the more fun.

But Alex wouldn't let it all slide by. He had his share of pranks too, like the one where he made everyone on the set tell you that you had something on your face even though you didn't. You were so paranoid that day, you were convinced that your eyes had some fault.

Moreover, even though your characters on the show, Jack and [y/c/n], sort of have a hatred towards each other, you both are always teamed up and placed next to each other at convention panels. That was one of the major reasons that brought you closer.

You spent a lot of time with Alex then, while J2M hung out on their own you would grow more fond of Alex as the days went by.

You had a strong chemistry and it helped with acting out scenes for the show too. Fans loved seeing you both together, they shipped both of you, and it's the reason why you got together in the first place.

But it just didn't start off as a normal relationship would. You both were on 'pending' for the whole time.

You lay cuddled in his arms, in his trailer, your legs on top of his while he moved around a bit to get more comfortable.

"That was actually quite pleasant," You commented and he chuckled. "I think it's the best way to de-stress," He added about your mini make out session you had just now.

You sat up and fidgeted with your hands. He did the same watching you with confusion, "What's wrong?" You sighed.

"Alex I really think that we should be together but... I don't know, there's this vibe in me that keeps pulling me away from you," You confessed, immediately feeling bad about your words.

He nodded slowly, "To tell you the truth, I feel somewhat the same way too, like we're made to be together but when we are it wouldn't feel complete. It's complicated."

You both sighed at the same time. "I feel this... intimacy when you're with me and I want to feel it all the time but there's this point which keeps telling me that I won't have it with you," You stated and he nodded in agreement.

"Please don't feel offended or hurt Alex, I don't mean to make you feel that way. I just... I'm sharing my feelings with you because you're one of the most closest to me here at the set, and you're special to me," You told and held his hands.

He smiled, "I'm not offended at all, I totally get what you mean [y/n/n]. Look, I love being such a close friend to you and I think I like you more than just being friends but for me, I think that's it... You always make me happy, I feel great when you're by my side. I look forward to cons because we're always together but... I'd love to have you as the lover-friend who I could kiss on occasion or share my feelings with and not the one who I'd have an official relationship with."

You nodded then kissed him on the cheek. "Then that settles it Calvert, you're my 'friend with benefits'," You grinned and he laughed, running a hand through his hair.

"Yeah actually, that's just about right," He said and pulled you closer to him, "Friends with benefits."

And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be
Right in front of me
Talk some sense to me

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