Chapter Fifty Four: Sister

Start from the beginning

"Don't lecture me. I know that." Kakashi's hand grabbing mine, he pulls me into him. His arms wrapping around me, my eyes widen in shock.

"You're already a jonin, so if someone hurts you to the point I can't bare, I'm going to stop the match as well." My heart doing backflips, blood rushes to my cheeks in embarrassment.

"Kakashi Hatake, are you telling me that you can't live without me?"

"Most likely." His arms pulling me more into him, I find my self melt into him as well.

"Well, I can't let you die because I die, now can I?" My hands on his back, they clutch into his vest for comfort. "Kakashi, don't worry. Nothing will happen, I'm not going to lose. The last thing I need is you giving up hope in me, when I need it the most. Nevertheless, how am I suppose to become Mrs.Hatake, if I'm dead?"

A small chuckle vibrating through him, he pulls away looking at me, "alright. I'll put my faith in you, (Y/n) Hatake." His hands moving to my shoulders, he gives them a squeeze before letting them move down my arms to grip my hands. "I love you, see you." Leaning down he pecks my lips before releasing his hands from mine.

"I love you too, bye." Lifting my hand for the transportation jutsu, I appear crouched down next to a confused looking Sakura. Lifting my hand I give a small salute, "yo. What's good?"

"Ah!" Sakura launching a kick at me, I quickly grab her leg, stopping it right before it hit me. "(Y/n)? Y-you're here! Are you okay? How-w'd you get here?" Releasing my grip on her leg, it goes back to her side.

"It's a long story. I'm alright though, don't worry about.. that, okay? And as for how I got here.. I slipped my marked kunai in your pouch a while ago. Though I don't need the kunai to transport myself anymore, it's good to have them for this kind of use." Standing up straight, I look at Naruto and Sasuke, to see them staring at me bewildered.

"What are you doing here, (Y/n)?" Sasuke asked as he looked at me, slipping out a kunai from his pouch. Pulling it out in front of him, he looks at me suspiciously, "are you even the (Y/n) we know?" Rolling my eyes I tilt my head towards him.

"Duck butt, just shut it already. We need to talk," looking at Iruka, I see him sweat drop and laugh nervously at our squads interaction. Sasuke rolling his eyes, he puts the kunai back in his pouch, knowing fair well that it was me. "Iruka Sensei, are you done teaching them the heaven and earth meanings. Along with everything else you had to say?" Iruka nodding in answer of my questions, I always give a quiet nod as I look at my team mates.

"Sasuke, Sakura, I need to first tell you, that I'm alright. Don't worry about what happened. With that, you all deserve to know somethings about me, that I've kept hidden, due to some.. circumstances in my life." Looking at Naruto and Sakura, I see them hold a confused gaze at me. My gaze raising to Sasuke's, I see him stare at me, awaiting my words calmly. "I'm not.. a genin like you guys.. I'm actually a jonin, and Captain of the Anbu Black Ops. That's why I didn't get an invitation to these chunin exams. And I'm sorry I've deceived you for so long, but I had to.. please don't be mad with me." My eyes looking down at the floor I let my head hang low. "I also have a demon fox sealed inside me.. his names Yoko Kurama. It's a long story as to how I got him in me, but the fact of the matter is, I'm a jinchuriki. Not only that, but I'm not originally from this world, or I thought I wasn't. I was born here, and my soul went to a different world, where I grew up, and I died over there. So I took my rightful body here, permanently. The reason I'm so much taller than you all, and I look older than you is because when I died in my old world, I was seventeen. And so, as I continuously used my chakra, the time and space caught up with me and I turned seventeen, my original age. However, with that, this universe could not keep up, therefore, I'm stuck looking and staying the same age for a couple of years. Though in my, and everyone else's perspective who already knows this situation, will still count the years with me. Even though I may not be from this world, I did work and train day and night to get where I am. I've only been here since the week before the graduation exam from the academy, so don't think that I skipped out on all of that. In turns of training and ninjutsu skills, you've all had more time to train than I've ever had throughout my entire time here, including right now. Also.. my real name should be (Y/n) Megami, the daughter of Hikari Megami, the Goddess of Light. Though I do prefer my original last name, (L/n). Now that I've told you all about me- my true self- I hope you can understand and forgive me from holding all this back. It's terrifying, knowing I could loose my best friends, the best friends I consider my family, since I have no one else." My voice softening, I feel the awkward silence and tension grow in the tower. A hand taking mine, I lift my gaze to see Sakura.

"I'm not going to lie, it does bother me that you hid this all from us, I feel like punching you in your face." Sakura laughing lightly, she smiles at me, "but I'd be lying to you if I said I don't look up to you still. Your the kunoichi I admire the most, your strong, smart, and you do great when it comes to team work. So, I don't know about Naruto and Sasuke, but I do know that your still the (Y/n) I know and love, and I understand." Feeling my self smile softly I feel Sakura gives my hands a squeeze as she let them go. Looking up and past her, I settle my gaze on Naruto, to see a conflicted look in his blue eyes.

"Naruto?" Walking towards him, stand in front of him, looking down at him I let my brows furrow.

"You hid this from me like I'm some kid! I'm not anymore (Y/n), I'm a ninja! Your what I think it would be like to have a sister! Why would you hid this from me? We were suppose to be able to tell each other everything! You were my first friend, you gave me hope, and made me believe in myself! If you would have told me, I could have done the same for you, believe it!" Naruto blowing up at me, I let my gaze look to the floor.

"I'm sorry, Naruto." A frown playing on my lips, I feel my once spirited soul from Sakura, fade away with Naruto's truthful words. "It sucks, it does, but sometimes you'll realize that even the closes of siblings hide things because their scared of hurting them. That was my case. I hid it from you, Naruto, because I was scared if I let you in, people I went to stop on a mission may come back and try to hurt you. Or if you knew I went somewhere on a dangerous mission, you'd wanna help, and in turn, danger yourself. I couldn't let that happen. I care for you like a brother Naruto, and I'll do anything to keep my family safe."

Naruto sighing his look at me changes, "alright. You're lucky I'm a forgiving guy (Y/n)." My eyes locking on his I give a wide smile, scooping him up in a hug I squeeze him tightly as he protested. Putting him back on the ground, he lifts a arm behind his neck, smiling cheekily with a blush on his cheeks.

"Thank you, Naruto." Putting my hand on his blonde hair, I ruffle it, turning towards Sasuke I see him look at me in shock, irritation, and remembrance.

He's thinking of Itachi.

Stuffing my hands in my pockets I walk towards him, stopping right in front of him, I look into his onyx eyes. "What's the verdict over here?"

"I could care less. The only thing that I want, is a fight with you, (Y/n)." Sasuke's hand moving from clamping the curse mark, he stares up at me, determined.

Cocking up an eyebrow in interest, I nod at him, "alright. You got yourself a fight with me duck butt."

"I'm sorry to interrupt (Y/n), but we have to get going to the next location for the chunin exam." Iruka spoke out. Looking over my shoulder, I see Iruka on his guard with me.

"Alright. Let's get going then." Walking away from Sasuke, I stand in front of Iruka.

"W-what do you mean? You can't compete in the chunin selection exam! You're a jonin!" Iruka retorted as his eyes widened in dismissal.

"I have to. I don't have a choice in this. Trust me, if I had a choice, I wouldn't compete. Lord Hokage knows about this, trust me Iruka Sensei." Iruka scanning my features, he sighs as he looks at me.

"Alright. I believe you."

A/n: Merry Christmas!! Hope y'all day was merry and you got some lit gifts and you have some great ones to others!


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