"He's not my boyfriend." i remind Niall for the hundredth time.

"Well when will he be?" this i have also told him.

"Four months." we say in sync.

"Which is now three correct?" Was Niall keeping track too? Damn. I thought it was just me then Zayn comes up and reminds me. What is going on?

"So he's not my boyfriend." i repeat turning away from him with a flip of my hair. Niall opens his mouth to reply when more students file in and the bell rings.

"We'll talk about your boyfriend later." Niall hisses. I roll my eyes at him as our teacher wishes us good morning before beginning today's lesson. When class ends Niall walks me to my English class like he always does. "So you boyfriend." Niall says elbowing me.

"Not my boyfriend. We're dating." Niall points at me.

"HA! So you are dating." Niall says with a giant smile.

"Yeah that wasn't a secret Niall he's just not my boyfriend." i tell him with a roll of my eyes. Zayn isn't waiting outside the room like he always does which is a little weird. Niall notices as well and arches an eyebrow.

"Want me to walk you in with you?" Niall asks lowly. Biting my lip I shake my head and glance up at him.

"He's probably inside. I'll be fine." i murmur unconvincingly. Niall purses his lips and glances at the open doorway. "Okay." he says moving in for a hug. I hug him back tightly before saying goodbye and heading inside. I'm greeted by Harry, just Harry not even Louis. Harry has his feet kicked up onto his desk and he's taking a drag from his cigarette.

"Hello darlin." Harry says scanning me slowly. He seems less on edge today. Maybe it's from the drugs or maybe it's because it's his birthday, but i thought Zayn said he hated his birthday.

"Hello Harry." i say quietly sitting in my new seat.

"How are you and.." he pauses as he blows smoke from his lips. "Zayn?" i shrug slowly.

"Do you really care?" i counter. Harry shrugs.

"He's still my best friend." he says with absolutely no emotion in his voice.

"We're okay i guess." i shrug now too.

"Have you two banged yet?" i blush so hard i can't even look up at him. He chuckles lowly.

"I would hope he wouldn't tell you but you're guys so you should already know." i reply softly rummaging through my backpack pretending to get something. Harry doesn't say anything. As kids file in they give Harry a dirty look for smoking in class. Our teacher doesn't even say anything. She's just given up on Harry i think. "Where's your lap dog?" i ask abruptly.

"Louis?" Harry replies evenly. He doesn't even sound pissed just slightly amused. I nod slowly. "He's sick. Poor bastard." Harry mutters flicking some ashes onto his desk before wiping them away with the back of his hand.

"Where's your lap dog?" i bite my lip trying to come up with a clever reply.

"Liam or Zayn?" Harry throws his head back and laughs lightly. He would be a great guy if he wasn't so god damn angry all the time.

"Both?" i furrow my eyebrows.

"Haven't seen them." i reply with a shrug of my shoulders. I'm thinking of wishing Harry Happy Birthday. I don't want to step out of line though. Biting my lip i look at him from the corner of my eye.

"Harry.." i say timidly. He looks my way again not a single trace of anger in his eyes. "Happy Birthday." He looks a little confused and opens his mouth to reply when the bell rings and Liam and Zayn shuffle in.

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