(S2) Chapter 18 - So Many Secrets

Start from the beginning

You feel your body tense, does he deal with this often? Are they that close still?

You bite your lip and turn away from the phone.

Maybe you don't know very much about the two at all.



Are you there?

-5 1/2 Years ago-

I'm so so terrified.

She's gone.

Tears mix in with the cold icy rain, I can't hear, I'm screaming.

Her hand, her hand was holding mine.

She slipped off.

And I'm still here on the ship. I look for anything to drop to her. But nothing, it's useless.

We are all going to die here aren't we?

I scream her name until I feel a hand onto my back, snapping my head back.

"Sir, follow me, we have a boat, we are trying to save as many as we can-" A woman, about the same age as mine, from what I can tell in the moonlight. Her hair a platinum white braid, her clothes simple.

"My sister, my sister, she slipped off, please, we have to get her."

"Okay, okay we will try. But follow me." She leads the way through the empty yet full deck.

She takes my wrist and runs, leading me to the back, my mind was blank, the only thing I can see was y/n, dangling off the edge, her pleading cries.

Please, please be okay.

The last thing I feel is being pushed into the railing. A blearing ring in my ears.

The last thing I see is the woman trying to talk to me, before calling for help.


I'm so so cold, I'm shivering.

I'm screaming, I'm so so quiet.

Where am I?

It's so dark.

I can't-

I can't remember-

I can't remember why I'm here.

"Hey, I thought you would never wake up." A girl speaks. My eyes shut tightly after opening, the pain in my head so painful I feel like I'm going to explode.

"Where- where am I?"

She chuckles, "don't ask me, I don't think anyone knows actually. Some island near the now sunken ship." She says, coming closer to me from the campfire she started. I notice the small tents and people walking around.

"You've been asleep for about a week now. I thought you wouldn't wake up." She says, putting her hand on my forehead, I shiver.

"Woah, you are burning. Let me go find the medic-" I grip her wrist

"Who are you?" She looks at me with her aqua eyes, looking at me sternly, scanning me.

"Do you- do you remember anything? Do you-" I shake my head

"Do you, know why I'm here?"

She gulps, looking away for a moment.

"You were with-" she freezes. "You were with me, we were traveling and the ship crashed." She says, looking into my eyes.

"Mind telling me who you are?" I raise my eyebrow.

"I'm Nova, your- " She gulps "your girlfriend." She giggles and smiles.

"Oh? I'm sorry- I just- I don't remember anything." I mumble but she shushes me.

"It's okay Seokjin, you will remember soon enough."

"Seokjin? My name is Seokjin?" She nods

"Nova, food is ready- oh, he's awake" a tall man says approaching the two of us.

"Good, take him to eat. I will be there shortly." The man signals me to follow him. I groan in pain while standing. But I manage.


I walk back to my tent, biting the inside of my cheek. I close it and immediately grab the picture I found.

It's him, along with another girl. I assume it was his sister.

I feel my blood run cold,

I tried Jin, I really did try to find her.

I'm sorry.

I flip the picture over, revealing two names.

Seokjin+Y/n : 2011 in jeju!


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