"I don't take photos." Zayn says again.

"Ever?" i ask. Zayn just shrugs. "Please." Zayn doesn't reply. "I'll bug you until you take the photo with me." i told him poking his chest. Zayn flinched and pushed my hands away.

"Don't bug me." he said with a grimace.

"Zayn!" i whined nudging his leg and poking his stomach and side. Zayn shook his head and bit his lip fighting a grin.

"Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please." i cried out pulling my legs off of him

"No." Zayn said lightly glancing at me. Sighing i pushed myself up and then sat myself down on his lap straddling him, which is something I never thought i would do. Zayn shoots forward his hands resting on my thighs and his eyes boring into mine. "What are you doing?" he asks quietly a little scared.

"Sitting on you til you comply." i reply evenly. Zayn chuckles.

"You're not even heavy. It won't work." he says shaking his head.

"Come on please." i said trying to look as sad as i could. Like a kicked puppy.

"Don't look at me like that." Zayn says dropping back down and covering his eyes with his arm. I laugh and poke his side.

"Come on. One picture. Do it for the camera." Zayn groans and i slide off his lap.

"One picture. I'll look god awful though." he grumbles sitting up. Laughing i scoot next to him and hold my phone out in front of us.

"You're not smiling." i complain snapping one with him smirking at the camera.

"I don't smile for pictures." he says. I lean in then and kiss him suddenly. His hand comes up to cup my face and i feel a small smile creep up his lips. I silently snap a photo before pulling back keeping our foreheads pressed together.

"Now will you smile?" i ask staring at him. Zayn grins.

"Maybe." i move back and smile at the camera and find Zayn smiling with me.

"There. Was that so hard?" i ask putting my phone away.

"Yes." i hit him as he laughs.

7. When you get Zayn talking about something he doesn't like he will never let it go.

"Because I fuckin don't okay!" Zayn shouts at me.

"Zayn come on just let it go. I shouldn't have said anything." i groan my head dropping back and hitting the seat.

"Yeah why did you say anything." he snaps. I groan again running my hands down my face wearily. All i had asked was why he didn't use his blinker as often as he should.

"Because people like it when they know where the hell the car in front of them is planing on going! God Zayn! Stop being difficult." i grumbled.

"Well they don't have to fuckin know where I'm going! Shit." he says tightening his grip on the wheel. I sigh quietly and Zayn glares at me.

"Stop that." he snaps.

"What? Stop what!" i demand loudly.

"Sighing like you're little miss perfect because your'e not!" i gape at him and hit his arm. Zayn flinches.

"I never said i was! I said to let it go Zayn! God!" i cry out crossing my arms over my chest and turning away from him glaring out the window. Zayn mutters out a few curse words and pulls over onto the side of the road. "What the hell." i cry out as he touches my arm.

"Stop it you're mad at me." Zayn says putting his hand on my knee. I brush him off before replying.

"Hell yeah i am." Zayn sighs and doesn't say anything but i can feel his eyes on me. I know he wants me to turn and look at him but i won't do it. At least i tried not to. My curiosity and the will to turn around got the best of me. I turned and his lips crashed down upon mine almost suffocating me. My head screamed no but i ran my hands through his hair anyways.

"Better?" he asks lightly pulling away.

"Are you?" Neither of us answer the question.

8. Zayn likes to kiss me when I'm angry.

9. Zayn is just a little terrified of ants, spiders and bugs in general.

"Are you ok?" i ask walking up behind Zayn. He's standing in my kitchen stiffly, staring at something on the ground. His hands are balled into fists at his sides and he's hardly breathing. "Zayn?" i question coming to stand next to him to see what's on the floor. I expected blood, a bloody knife, a body. All three. Anything but what i saw. A cockroach, a rather small one, was wiggling it's feelers and taking cautious steps forward. "A bug." i state trying not to laugh.

"Kill it." Zayn breathes out.

"Are you kidding me?" i demand crossing my arms and glancing up at him then back down at the bug. Zayn shakes his head, biting his lip. "Okay." i say with a shrug walking over and stomping it onto the tiled floor. Zayn winces as i grab a paper towel nearby and peel the bug off my shoe and the floor. The tension falls from his shoulders as i throw the remains away. "You've got to be kidding me." i say walking back towards him.

"What?" he questions nonchalantly.

"You're scared of bugs." he snorts and rolls his eyes but i know I'm right.

"No." he says quietly.

"You are though. Of all things, bugs?" Zayn groans and closes his eyes rubbing his temple.

"They're freaky as shit! Did you see that! He was just crawling around. Shit, and his little feelers. Fuck." Zayn mutters opening his eyes as i begin to laugh. "Shut up." he mutters glancing at the floor and shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Wow. This is great. You're cute. You're really cute." i tell him placing a kiss to his lips. He pulls his hands from his pockets and grips my waist. "Zayn Malik, scared of bugs." i say pulling away and taking his hand. Zayn groans again following me.

10. Zayn wears glasses.

"What's that?" i demand sitting down in front of him. It's Monday of the third week we've been together. Usually Liam would take me home but i wanted to stay at the library and read for a bit and Zayn decided to stay with me. His sister got a ride home with some friends and i had left him alone at our table for two minutes while i went to go get water. When i left he didn't have glasses, when i came back he did.

"Umm.. Glasses." Zayn murmurs. I sit down in front of him shocked and confused.

"I can see that. Are they yours though?" i question pulling out a book unable to tear my eyes away from the rimmed frames sitting on his nose.

"Yes." he says blushing a little and staring at the book in front of him.

"They're cute." i say with a wide smile. Zayn looks at me a little startled.

"I think it's nerdy." he mumbles.

"I wear glasses." i state suddenly pulling them from my backpack. Zayn's eyes go a little wide.

"I didn't know that." i shrug.

"I need them to read." Zayn smiles.

"I do too."

11. Zayn is actually really smart.

"What are your grades like?" i asked him suddenly during lunch. Niall had gotten up to get more food and left us alone out with the stoners who were eyeing us as if they were suddenly seeing us for the first time.

"Okay i guess." Zayn shrugs.

"Well what is you definition of okay because i can help you if you like." Zayn smirks.

"B's mostly." I raise my eyebrows at this.

"Wow really?" Zayn sends me a look. "Oh sorry. I'm succumbing to a stereotype." i blush deep red and Zayn chuckles.

"Umm. Despite what people might think about my friends and I we don't want to stay in this shitty town as much as the next person. We plan on getting out and leaving. We have a bad rep with the teachers and we may fail a test now and then, but we're not idiots." i nod slowly as i nibble on my pizza. It makes sense.

11. Zayn is actually smart, and so are the rest of them.

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