Chapter Fifty: Caverns

Start from the beginning

"Oh, so it's you. My, it's lovely to see you in person dear," Orochimaru said as he looked at me, with almost, a desire.

"Well get a good look, because this is the last face you'll ever see as I put your lights out for good!" Launching off my branch I throw a right hook at him only for him to lift up his arm and block it, throwing a kick my way, I grab his leg, "spirt reflection blast!" My eyes lighting up like a light bulb, I twist his body in a unbendable way, chakra forming outside me in a spherical ball, I shoot him with all I had. His body falling through the now disintegrated branch, I hop over to a different branch.

Watching closely, I see his body turn to mud, "oh (Y/n), how you must miss your family." A sharp object being put through my rib cage, I look up to see Orochimaru staring down at me.
"How pitiful, you've become black ops Captain, and yet you still can't defeat me." Blood falling from my wound, I look into his eyes to find myself paralyzed.


"You-u're dead!" Managing to push through the paralyzing gaze, I put enough chakra in my left hand to make it sharper than a kunai knife. Lifting it I quickly break off the metal part he held onto. Kicking off Orochimaru's chest, I lift my hand once more to focus my chakra. "Splintering Reshuyuken," my chakra forming near my feet, I kick it like a soccer ball towards Orochimaru, starting off as a solid chakra ball, it slowly divides into small ones surrounding him at different angles. Pounding into his body from multiple different angles, I feel myself smile wickedly, as I manage to make Orochimaru bleed in agony. Falling back down onto the tree, where Sasuke stood still in shock, I watch the blast take down two trees in the forest. Quickly out of the dust of the fall, a snake neck comes out, my eyes widening, I quickly jump and move to another tree. The body coming also, it wraps along the stump, following me. Pulling out my shuriken, I blow my windstyke chakra onto them, "wind style: slicing shuriken." Throwing the shuriken down at Orochimaru, I mange to chop off a good amount of his hair and his dumb purple belt.
However, still not being able to stop him, I find myself running out of chakra, blinking away my new eyes, I rip the rest of the kunai knife out of my right rib cage.

"Oh, where did those lovely eyes go (Y/n)? Running out of chakra are we?" Orochimaru mocked as he came to a stop on the last branch I stood on. Bending down quickly, I release the heavy weights around my legs, standing back up straight, I stretch my legs out in my tai jutsu stance.

"Not just yet, if you aren't a coward, come fight me in tai jutsu." Lifting my hand I move my fingers in a taunting way, "unless your scared of your ass getting handed to you by a girl?" Orochimaru not being able to pass up the deal, he reforms back from his stretchy self, to a regular human form. Running towards him, I quickly start punching away at him, blocking all my attack's, he throws a right side kick to my stomach, sending me back into a thick tree. Blood coming out from my mouth, my body peels off and I fall to a branch.

I, I can't move anymore. After the training with Gai Sensei, my muscles are torn up, it would take at least a week for those damages to my body to be fixed.

A hand picking me up by my head, I look into the eyes of Orochimaru, "are you already tired?" His tongue slipping across his lips, his menacing grin grows. Narrowing my eyes, I move my head forward and head butt his skull with all my force left. Blood moving down his forehead, I feel a cool liquid run down mine as well.

"You wish I was," lifting my finger, a giant shuriken comes out from the brush, pulling it towards us, I manage to get Orochimaru stabbed in the back. Blood running from the corner of his mouth he reaches back with his left hand. Pulling out the shuriken, un-phased by the gushing wound in his back. More of Yoko's chakra leaking out of me, I find myself beginning to have a cloak. "Your going to wish, you never pissed me off." Lifting my feet, I pound it into his stomach with my chakra, releasing his grip on my head, I flip in the air to land straight on my feet. Standing up I lift my hand in my other best jutsu, "wind style: twisted twister!" Running towards Orochimaru, I dodge his punch, turning with the wind, the twisted twisted in gulfs him. Tearing up a row of trees, it went on for a good stretch before subsiding. Standing up, I look at Orochimaru to see him already on his feet, like a automatic mechanic doll.

"Your a tough one, you seemed to have learned a lot," standing on his feet, he looks at me wiping the blood from his wounds.

"Tell me Orochimaru, why did you bring me here? Who am I? What did you do to me?" Yelling at him, I watch his smile widen as he saw my pain run through my heart.

"(Y/n), do you really think I would tell you that? Oh, the fun we can have when you come out to seek my power." Orochimaru running towards me at full speed, I grab my kunai, also charging towards him, he blows out a wind style jutsu. Adding more chakra to my feet, I hold onto my attack. Spinning my kunai in my hand I charge forth, lifting it up I give a swift strike across Orochimaru's face. Trying to punch me again, I squat down, looking up I lean on my hands before kicking him up. Continuously kicking his body up, I flip in the air before punching him down in the ground with my focused chakra.

"Your going to tell me what happened! Now!" Throwing my kunai at his support in the upper thigh, he dodges it quickly, and more importantly, with ease. Vanishing before my eyes, I feel two teeth inject themselves in my neck, turning my head I look to see Orochimaru. "N-n-no," my breathe coming out in a whisper, I feel my knees buckle as my world begins to blur. Orochimaru moving his body towards me he lifts my shirt pushing a five pronged seal onto my stomach, just as he did Naruto. Looking up at my team I raise my hand out to them, "r-run." Collapsing on the tree branch, I scream out in pain. This new foreign chakra entering my body felt like it was ripping each individual cell apart, and reprogramming it to work a different way.

"(Y/n)!" Sakura yelling out towards me, I feel my self roll down from the edge of the branch, free falling I feel my breathe become more shallow as I scream out in agonizing pain. Sakura running over, she quickly catches me in her arms, as I yell out in pain, I feel my heart beat slowly slow down, and my body go on fire. "Sasuke! Say what you like about Naruto and (Y/n), that's their pests, that they get in the way, that their kids. But- but at least their no coward! At, at least their doing something!Sasuke!"

Groaning out in pain, I move my hand shakily from my neck, "ah!" The pain shooting up my arm, I feel every nerve in my body telling me not to move.

"Don't move (Y/n)! It's all right," Sakura cooed to me as she placed her hand on my shoulder.

"N-no, be-before I pass out, t-theres a scroll, in my pouch with enough rations for a person for at least five days," forcing my body to move, I cry out in pain as I retrieve it in my hand. "T-take it, you just add your chakra to it and it should undo." Limberly moving, she takes it from my hand, putting it safely in her pouch.

Breathing I feel my chest tighten at its movements, my eyes shutting, I reopen them only to see my self cry out in pain, in the caverns of my inner mind. Forcing my self to my knees in my imprisoned mind, I feel the pain still coursing through me, even though I'm in my own head. Falling forward, I pull my arms out to catch my self, only to feel my arms being pulled out from their sockets. Hitting the
watered ground, my face aches in pain, my eyes  feeling as if they were about to pop out, I manage the one name I knew could only respond when I'm imprisoned in myself.

"Yoko! Yoko Kurama, please, please help me." My voice echoing through the caverns in my mind, I feel Orochimaru slowly rip open my body with his invading chakra, almost mocking me.

This wasn't how it was suppose to happen.

Watching myself younger self cry over the people who passed in the missions we did together, I watch confusingly. "If only you were stronger, if only you could protect them. If only you had the power," my younger self ripping my face off, reveals Orochimaru's face.

A/n: 40 likes and I updatteee Orr illl update in two and a half weeks (cuz that's when midterms are over for me).

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