There was no sign of Sam or Dean, and it had concerned you.

Jack stirred, alert by the noise once again. It was the same noise that echoed in the air before you ran to the barn. Were you in danger too?

Jack looked about, he couldn't find Castoel anywhere. He thought of calling out the Angel's name but would it have any use?

Jack gathered his courage to defy your instructions then ran into the barn, hands clenched into fists and ready to fight. He glanced around frantically, the dimmed barn wasn't comforting, along with no sounds to indicate any existence.

"[y/n]? Where are you?!" Jack exclaimed, dreading that someone else would show up instead of you, "What's going on?!"

"Ah the Nephilim."

Jack turned around, anxiety rising within him. He felt a mixture of anger and fear, he prepared himself for the unforseen.

"Who are you?" Jack questioned and the figure in the distant shadows laughed. "I'm the demon you've been hunting. All I want was to get my hands on a few special people hut you Hunters can't let me continue my business without interfering," The demon explained and stepped into the light.

It was a woman, young with a smirk plastered onto her lips. "Jack, you're one of those special people," She said, with a mockingly inviting voice, "Come join me and we could do wonders together."

She walked ahead and Jack raised his arm to her. "Don't come any closer!" He yelled with rage and she stopped suddenly, chuckling.

"You're on the wrong side Jack-"

"J-Jack, careful!" You got up dizzily then dragged yourself towards him. You took a hard hit to the head that time, it wasn't treating you well at all.

"Oh look who's joined us!" The demon smiled which turned into a snarl as she used her powers to paralyze your body. She squeezed her hand slowly and you felt your insides start to compress, it hurt like hell and you cried out in agony.

"S-Stop please!"

"What are you doing?! Stop hurting her!" Jack demanded and the demon raised an eyebrow, enhancing her powers on you.

"What are you going to do about it huh?"

Jack gulped, eyes darting from the demon then to you. He started to internally panic, he didn't want to ruin this with you ending up injured or worse, dead.

His powers... He could use those-

But they don't work, he has no control over them. How was he supposed to help out if he couldn't use them properly. It could end up hurting you instead. Jack would never forgive himself for that.

"J-JACK!" You screamed and fell to your knees, coughing up blood.

Something snapped in Jack. All his fears drowned away from him in an instant.

He growled and planted his feet firmly on the ground, "I said STOP HURTING HER NOW!"

A ray of blinding yellow light shot out of his hands as his eyes glowed brightly of the same colour. The demon was pushed back, levitate in the air and unable to move. Jack snapped his fingers with his free hand and the demon disintegrated into sparks and dust, her screams echoeing till there was nothing of her left.

You collapsed into the ground, the gravel poking into your skin and clothes. You breathed heavily, you had no strength to move any muscle.

"W-What... ha-ppened?"

Jack looked to the far end of the barn and found the Winchesters getting up from their unconscious state. Jack ran to your side and helped you to sit up.

"Are you alright [y/n]? I'm so sorry, I should have done something to stop-"

"J-Jack your... powers worked," You stated hoarsely and coughed a bit, "How?"

He shrugged, he himself was beyond stupefied, "I felt a wave of anger surge through my body. The thought of you dying made me extremely uncomfortable and I could channel my powers after that. It shot out of me like bullets from a gun."

"The thought of m-me made your powers work?"

Jack smiled, "Yes, I could never think of the possibility of losing you. You are special to me."

You smiled softly, caressing his cheek slowly.

"Also, thank you."


"For letting me know that I still have powers... that I'm useful."

You held his hand an squeezed it, "Jack, with or without powers you're extremely useful and even more special. Don't ever think otherwise."

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