Chapter 23 : The Arendelle family.

Comenzar desde el principio


Time and days passed, the two sisters learned to know and appreciate their aunt, Elsa learned not be feared anymore of her magic, she learned to control her power.

She learned to love herself.

Three other weeks after their arrival (Anna and Elsa, just as Ingrid herself, were living in the castle where Rumplestiltskin and Belle lived, as this one was big enough to welcome them. And of course, the owners of the place were both happy to let them live in there), as Elsa had a better control on her power than she ever had, Marian came to the castle for the fifth time after she met Elsa.

And this time, it was certainly not to see Belle.

Marian felt troubled the second she saw Elsa, even before she saw her, in fact, when she heard her voice.

The first time she saw her do magic was during the day where she met her, and she had been fascinated.

Not just because it was a form of magic she never saw before (even if it was the case, as Ingrid and Elsa were the only people she knew who could practice this kind of magic), but because it had nothing to do with the way Regina (the only witch she really knew) practiced magic.

Regina had a control, a confidence, a self assurance that Elsa didn't have.

Elsa had an innocence that Regina lost a long time ago, she never really knew what to do with her magic, it was the reason why she was so afraid of herself in the past.

Her magic was strange, unpredictable, dangerous.

But also terribly beautiful, when it was controlled.

Elsa could make things with ice, and any time she saw her practice magic, Marian couldn't help but be amazed.

Because of her power itself, but also because of the look of Elsa, who was more and more accepting herself, and her look on what she could do was not anymore afraid. First, it had been surprised, and then, joyous, and finally, amazed.

When she was practicing magic with Ingrid, Marian couldn't help but look at her, at her face, because it looked like Elsa was fascinated with her own capacities.

And Marian was fascinated as well.

A thing which was clearly, clearly visible...

She was falling for the young queen, and she still hadn't determined if it was a problem or not.


Elsa had no idea of what she was feeling right now.

The excitation she was feeling since some days, she first thought it was because of the fact that she was learning to know better her aunt, or herself, to know how her own magic worked.

Except that it was not the case.

It was Marian, who was bringing all these changes in her.

Marian, with her bright smile, her laugh, her jokes and the way she made her laugh, her beauty, and her kindness.

Marian, who never saw her as a monster, who always saw her magic as a beautiful thing, despite the fact that she had not magic herself, she always understood her, just like Ingrid did.

Marian, who was making her feel things she never thought she would ever feel for someone, things she never thought she would allow herself to feel.

Don't feel, don't let them know, her parents told her.

So did she.

She pulled a wall between her and her sister, for years, she tried to hid herself, hid her feelings, hid her powers, hid everything which made her who she was.

Please, don't spoil everything this time.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora