Chapter 47

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Demi's P.O.V

I deliberated for some time before deciding on who to phone

I took a deep breath before clicking call, hoping she'll of landed already

"H-hey mum?" I mumbled down the phone after shed picked up after a couple of rings

"What's up D?"

"Have you by any chance landed yet?" I asked praying she had

"Yup, just got out honey, waiting on our rental car at the airport, how come?"

"I did something stupid last night, could you do me a favour and pick me up? I'm next to the small shop on ... um Fordell Road?" I asked while frantically looking for a street sign

"You can explain when I get there, love you Dems"

"Love you more mum" I mumbled slightly ashamed before hanging up

I put my phone in the pocket of the sweats I "borrowed" and ran my hand through my hair and walked to the little corner shop I had spotted at the end of the road

I leaned on the wall of the shop, trying to sort my web of thoughts out

But the main issue was why didn't I regret it? Why have I just passed caring all together?

I don't want to be back in the mindset I was before rehab, that was a dark place. But I feel like I'm slipping back to that, slowly but surely but I don't know how to stop it

"You getting in Dems?" I nearly jumped 5 feet, I hadn't even seen her pull up

I got into the passengers side, slamming the door behind me and putting my seatbelt on before resting my heads against the window

"What? No hug?" my mum smirked opening up her arms

Despite the situation I couldn't help but smile I leaned over the hand break bit and have her a hug that last like 30 seconds, I don't want her to leave me

Damn I missed her

I pulled out of it and sat back in my seat "so what happened?" she asked as she put the car in drive

I just shook my head, I don't want to talk to anyone at the moment

"Walk of shame?"

"Don't even get me started."


You guys are so nice omg, the comments are lovely and so are all the private messages

Lots of folk keep messaging me asking what's happened and I cba writing it again and again so basically my mum and stepdad got divorced, my mum has a drinking problem, she kicked me out and broke my nose now I'm living at my aunties

So enough of my shit life, what do yous want to happen next? Wanting anyone to make up? Drama?

Broken Warrior ( Demi Lovato and Maddie Delagarza fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now