Chapter 15 - For Demi

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Maddie's P.O.V

" Forgive me for what I have done,

Because I'm young, yeah i'm young

Forgive me for what I have done, i'm young 

Yeah I'm young

Don't mean to frighten you off

It's just fun, it's just fun

Don't mean to frighten you off

It's just just fun, just fun"

I woke up at 6.00am to my alarm, Tulisa Young I love that song it always gets me in a good mood. Me, Demi and my new pup are driving to Seattle from Texas in the tour bus because I'm not keen on flying and it's a day off anyway so we are driving which is going to take up about 16 hours but I don't mind.

After I showered and dried my hair, I put it up and changed into a pair of sweats and a comfy top, I grabbed my phone, charger and headphones and made my way downstairs.

When I reached the bottom a little black ball came running up to me, aww he's a wee cutie but still nameless. I picked him up and carried him through to the kitchen where Demi was sitting eating cereal.

"Morning, what you wanting for breakfast?" she asked as I sat down with the dog on my lap

"Not hungry, I'll eat later" I told her, not being entirely truthful

She sighed and gave me a disappointed look but she let it go.

"Are you ready to leave?" she asked as she put her bowl away

"Yip, when we leaving?"

"Now" she replied at the same time as Darren our driver beeped the horn from outside

We picked up our suitcases that were lying at the door and put them onto the bus, I came back for the dogs leads, bowls, brush and toys and him of course and put him and the stuff on the bus, Demi locked the door of the house and we were on our way.

"Have you got a name for him yet?" Demi asked referring to the sleeping pup in my arms

"Thought of a few but need your opinion. So it's between Jaffa, Duke and Pluto which one?"

"hmm I like Pluto" She said after a long pause

"Pluto's your new name boy" I said to him as he was waking up

"I'm gonna get him some food and water" I told Demi as I walked to the kitchen area with her following behind me

"We should get something to eat too, what you wanting" she asked while going through cupboards

"Hmm whatever, I'm not hungry" I told her as I filled up Plutos water bowl

"Bull, how about Chicken Caesar Salad" she asked looking at me


Demi came back through with two plates a little while later

"Here ya go"she said handing me one of them

I tried to hide my disgust as I slowly chewed a bit of lettuce, my eating disorder isn't getting any better, I've been trying to hide it from Demi but don't think it's working.

"You know you can talk to me right?" She asked staring at me as I pushed the food around the plate

"Mmhmm" I mumbled trying not to make eye contact with her

She came and sat beside me and lifted my chin so I was looking at her

"Eat for me please, I know it's not easy but we're taking baby steps. Trust me it will get better but you have to want it in order to get there"

I thought about it for a moment, how much do I actually want this? I don't even know if I want it for myself but I want to for Demi.

A/N thankyou to SopTheSop (Sorry if i got that wrong, im on my phone )for picking the name for the dogs name please vote and comment it motivates me to update sooner :)

Broken Warrior ( Demi Lovato and Maddie Delagarza fanfic )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن