Chapter 46

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Demi's P.O.V


Where am I?

And who's the naked guy next to me

I put my head in my hands trying to remember what had happened the night before

All I remember is arriving at a club, ordering a vodka and coke now here I am in some random guys house naked


I gently got up of the bed, being careful as fuck not to waken the guy next to me but he looked basically dead, passed out on the bed and I doubt I could wake him anyway but just incase I couldn't even deal with that conversation

Looking round the room I couldn't see any if my clothing that I had come in

I walked over to the chest of drawers at one end of the room and opened the first draw, thanking The Lord as I found a paired sweats

I pulled them on cursing myself for losing my underwear

I opened the second drawer and closed it after finding no t-shirts

I found a t-shirt in the next drawer, put it on and quietly opened the door and made my way downstairs finding both of my heels spread out there in the way down

Why the fuck is my phone lying next to the door? Oh well at least it ain't smashed

I picked it up and unlocked the door with the keys that were dangling in the back of it and left as quiet as humanly possible

I left the garden and sat on the side of the road and pressed the circle button on my phone

Fuck 6%, just my luck eh?

I unlocked my phone, smiling at my background;a picture of my smiling and Marissa kissing my cheek

What the fuck do I tell Marissa? I went out, got pissed and woke up in some random guys bed, hope we're still good?

Hm cause I can see that working.


This is shit but whatever

Updates might be slow idk, I'm just done with everything and I don't want to be here anymore but oh well

But your comments last chapter were so fucking lovely, this doesn't let me reply but thank you so much to everyone that conmented, it's good to know some people care.

Broken Warrior ( Demi Lovato and Maddie Delagarza fanfic )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt