Chapter 26

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Sammys P.O.V

I was finishing my evening workout when i heard the doorbell go,which was strange because i live by myself and wasn't expecting anyone.

I answered the door to a terrified,upset looking Maddie,she threw herself into my arms and started sobbing uncontrollably, I lifted her up as she still wasn't that heavy and closed the door before carrying her through to the living room

i placed her on the couch and sat down beside her wrapping my arms around letting her cry into me,her beathing was getting faster and she was shaking and sweating,i realised she was having a panic attack

"Hey, hey baby copy my breathing, in out in out,deep breaths come on" I was trying to keep calm even though i was panicking inside, i placed her hand on my stomach and took deep breaths making it obvious and trying to get her to copy my breathing

After five minutes her breathing got a lot calmer and she had stopped crying

"Wait 2 minutes ,i'll go get you a glass of water" i told her and went to get her water and came back through, giving it to her before sitting down on the couch next to her

"T-T-Thankyou" she stuttered, still getting her breath back to normal

"Right you're gonna have to tell me what has happened" I told her softly

"I went over to Ashtons yesterday and when i was planning on going home it was really late and i was tired so i stayed at his bu forgot to phone Demi probably because i was so tired and i went back over to hers this morning but Marissa was there and she started screaming at me and so did Demi but i wasn't having it so i just told her to get out my face so she slapped me, she has never hit me never, even fighting when we were younger, Demi was the one that always had my back no matter what" she started crying all over again, and by now i was pissed at Demi, yeah i had only met her once but what right did she have to hit her younger sister who was recently out of rehab

she started talking again "and i went over to Ashtons but he was on Demi's side but it was his idea for me to stay at his" fuck sake was everyone out to get her?

"Come on Mad, we're going out then you can forget about them okay, there is honestly no need to waste your tears over them" I told her standing up and wiping her tears

I decided we were going drinking that's always a good way to forget, we decided on Malibu Nights bar (made up)

After a hour we hammered, we had done everything beers, lager, shots, vodka, whiskey, everything

Maddie's P.O.V

This is the most fun i've had in ages, drinking like there's no tomorrow, laughing at all the try hard guys wanting to get in your pants

Me and Sammy ending up grinding on each other on the dance floor, watching all the guys faces was actually hilarious

We both decided it was time to head abck when it reached 2am, we got a cab back to Sammy's, stumbling up the drive and into hers

We collpased onto her bed still giggling at nothing

"Sammy can i tell you something?" i aked her suddenly turning serious

"Of course you can,anything" she replied back

"Okay before you say it's the drink talking, i'm being deadly serious so don't just shrug it off because i'm drunk" i started

"Okay, Okay get to the point" she said  interuptting me

"Sammy i'm in love with you"

A/N  ooooh a twist, who saw that coming? what do you think Sammy's reaction will be? comments and votes mean loads :)) and i apologize if my speling is shit, my tablet doesn't have spell chech and im dyselxic also follow me on twitter @Savior_Lovato (i always follow back) and if you like the band Union J @shellettbtw :)

Broken Warrior ( Demi Lovato and Maddie Delagarza fanfic )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin