Chapter 41

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Demi's P.O.V

Why am I me?

Why do I fuck everything up?

Why do I push away the ones I love?

Why am I a mess?

Just why?

My negative train of thoughts was interrupted by a soft knock on the door


I lifted my head to look at Marissa who looked exhausted, I pulled the covers up so she could climb in

"Is she okay?" I immediately asked

"She'll be fine Dems but what about you? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Marissa. Just leave it." I muttered turning over so I wasn't facing her

"I was just trying to help Dems" she said, hovering over me so she could see my face

"Well don't bother" I snapped pushing her out my way, making her land on the floor resulting in her yelping in pain

"Fucking man up" I muttered before leaving the room and going to lie on the couch on the ground floor living room

I had been lying there for 10 minutes or so just staring into space letting my thoughts absorb my brain when the front door swing open slamming against the wall in the progress

In stormed Dallas not even sparing a second glance at me before making her way upstairs

Talk about de ja vu

I few minutes later Dallas reappeared but with her arm around Marissa's waist, it was clear Mar had been crying I instantly felt guilty was that me pushing her off the bed?

Mad die trailed behind them clutching her pillow,she just looks so lost and confused like she didn't know where to go

"Will you be okay here yourself?" Dallas asked her turning round

Now it was my turn to but in

"Excuse me? I'm here. How the hell will she be alone exactly?"

"I meant alone with you genius" she snarled, glaring at me

Oh if only looks could kill, Dal

"C'mere Mads, you can come to the hospital with us" she called to Maddie

Dallas went to keep walking but Marissa stopped her and turned around "You shouldn't be here alone Demi, call Natalie or Matthew over or something"

Then the door was closed in my face but not before I got the chance to see Mars arm that was now turning blue and purple

I did that and she still cared enough about not wanting me alone

Way to go Demi

Just fucking push everyone away like always.


It's been ages since I updated oops sorry

I was gonna sort out Demi and Maddies relationship in this chapter but everything's shit at the moment so I guess this chapter reflected that but whatever

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