Chapter 20 - Marissa

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Demi's P.O.V

"We did all we could...but we don't know if it's enough but she's stable at this moment in time" I breathed a sigh of relief

"Can we see her?" Dallas asked, I forgot everyone else was here

"Sure, if you'll just follow me" she said before leading us into the ICU (intensive care unit)

Mum and Eddie went in first, then Dallas then me. It took every bit of will power and strength within me not to break down at the site before me. My baby girl lying in a hospital bed looking broken and helpless bandages covering both wrists covered in tubes and attached to many different machines.

"Hi guys"she said weakly, attempting a smile as we came in

Mum was the first one to hug her, Dallas had to unattach mum from Maddie so she could get a hug, then Eddie.  I wasn't sure whether she was still pissed at me but she put her arms out waiting for me to hug her so I'm guessing I'm forgiven.

Mum and Eddie were bombarding her with questions, Dallas was on the phone to other member's of the family ensuring them she's okay and im cuddled up with Maddie on the hospital bed.

"Why did you do it?"

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"Did anyone else know?"

Mum and Eddie wouldn't stop and Maddie wasn't even listening anymore, we are having our own conversation

"You're going to have to go into treatment baby" I whispered to her. I felt her body tense up when I said that.

She didn't say anything though.

Maddie's P.O.V

"You're going to have to go into treatment baby" I was dreading hearing those words but as much as I wanted to fight them I knew she was was right.

I couldn't be bothered with Mum, Dad or Dallas, I just wanted Demi. I convinced them to go home for the night and Demi was staying, she hasn't left me since she came.

"We need to talk" she told me, I just nodded not trusting my voice

"You should be discharged tomorrow and I'm putting you into TK, they helped me and they'll do the same with you, im only doing it cause I love you and don't want anything like this to happen again" she said cuddling into me.

"You better get some rest" Demi told me turning off the light.

*Next Morning *

I've been awake for like 15 minutes and Demi still asleep, I contemplated waking her up but decided against it so I'm texting Ashton and just thinking about everything.

A doctor came into the room, taking my temperature, checking my blood pressure and changed my bandages.

"Ah Miss.Delagarza, everything looks promising, you are free to leave today but will need constant attention and need to be looked after properly" He said looking at Demi who nodded then he left.

"I'll phone mum and find out if she's coming first or if I'm just taking you home" She said scrolling through her phone

Demi's taking me home, im texting Ashton who's worried about me, I explained everything to him and told him I'm going into treatment he wants to see me before I do because he can't visit me.

"We're home" Demi said stopping the car

I got out, when we walked in everybody rushed up to me

"I'm fine guys, it'd be better if I could breathe though" I said as Dallas immediately loosened her grip

"Right, I'll make breakfast" Mum said walking towards the kitchen seeing as it was only 10am.

After we had eaten, we were all (Me, Mum, Dad and Dallas ) sitting watching T.v on the sofa, I was trying to enjoy these last few days with the family before I had to go.

We heard the door close, and Marissa came running through to the living room before grabbing me and pulling me into a big hug.

"Thank fuck you're okay"she whispered into my ear

After she had finished hugging me, she said her hellos to the rest of the family before settling down on the sofa with her arms around me.

I love how she can just walk into the house and make herself at home, I suppose that's another reason why I say she's my big sister and she cares for me just like a sister too.

Me, Demi and Marissa are sitting in my room, lying on the bed talking, we went and saw the rest of the family today so we could reassure them I was okay. We told them I was going into treatment in a couple of days so I said my goodbyes too.

"Demi, how long am I going to be there for?" I asked her, a question that had been playing on my mind all day.

"I really don't know, as long as you need" She answered while playing with my hair.

"It's just hit me how much everyone cares for me, I didn't think I was important enough to yous and that yous couldn't care less about me but now I realise how selfish i was being" I admitted looking at the floor

"It's not selfish and it's not your fault it's the bastards that felt it wws okay to bully you, so stop bring yourself down" Demi told me lifting my chin so she was looking me in the eye and Marissa hugged me from behind.

"We best be going to sleep" Demi suggested as the threw the blankets over us, I was between them both and I hadn't felt safer in ages, I was really going to miss this.

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