Chapter 25- Las Vegas

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Maddie's P.O.V

"Hey baby" Ashton whispered into my ear as his arms snaked around my waist

"Hiya, you" I replied turning around to kiss him, which turned very passionate until Demi interrupted us, making us break apart

"Ahem, I don't think so" She told us, glaring at me in particular

"We were just kissing, so calm down" i told her moodily as I rested my head on Ashtons shoulder

"Whatever" she commented before walking away through to the kitchen

"Someones in a bad mood" i said to Ashton before going to sit down on the couch with him

"How about we go to mines?" he suggested as i turned off the tv seeing as there was nothing on,I agreed seeing as i couldn't be arsed with a moody Demi all day

I was lying on Ashtons sofa,he had gone upstairs to get something and his parents had left earlier,his parents are really nice iv'e met them a few times and they seem perfectly happy us with us going out

"You okay,baby?" Ashton asked as he lied back down on the sofa next to me,wrapping his arms round me,i just nodded cuddling into him

"I have a couple of tickets to Las Vegas for the weekend,wanting to come?" He suddenly asked,of course i wanted to but Demi was a different story

"I'd love to baby" I started as he smiled widely at me "but Demi..."i trailed off, disappointment flashed across his face which made me feel really bad and guilty

"It's okay,i understand" he replied sadness eveident in his voice but he smiled anyway and kissed me on the cheek

"Actually you know what, she doesn't rule my life course i'll come,i'd love a wee trip to Vegas anyway" I told him, my mind made up

"Good" He said smiling and wrapping his arms around me again

We stayed cuddled up like that for the next few hours just watching films on Netflix, until I realised the time was 11.38pm

"Oh shit, it's nearly 12, Demi's gonna kill me" I told Ashton who was nearly falling asleep next to me

"Just stay here tonight, you said yourself she doesn't rule your life"he said in his adorable sleepy voice between kissing my neck, which made me melt I'd literally do anything for him

"Okay, but just sleeping I'm not ready for anything else okay" I told him before he got the wrong idea

"Promise" he agreed before sitting up, "come on we might as well get to bed"

We made our way up to Ashtons room and I borrowed one of his t shirts for the night and got in beside him, he had his arms around me and that's how I fell asleep.

I woke up the same way, I leant over to the bedside cabinet to check the time without waking Ashton, it was 7.24 and I had 14 missed calls from Demi, 6 from Marissa and 3 from Dallas and 32 messages from DemI aswell which surprised me at first till it dawned on me I didn't tell Demi that I wasn't coming home for the night.

I slipped into a pair of Ashtons joggys and another of his tops and kissed him on the cheek before quietly making my way down stairs and creeping out the front door.

It was only a 15 minute walk from Ashtons to Demi's, so I didnt mind walking, it was about 20 to 8 when I got back, I prepared myself for Demi before going into the house.

There was nobody up, but Demi was in the living room wrapped up in Marissa's arms, I guess she came over last night.

As quietly as i could i snuck upstairs to dig out my passport and stuff before going back downstairs into the kitchen where Marissa was leaning against the counter on her phone

"hey Mar" i said causing her to jump and drop her phone

she turned to look at me, she looked so angry "Where the fuck have you been? Do you even understand how worried Demi was? She called me last night i tears,you couldn't even answer your phone for fuck sake"

"Calm down,it ain't even a big deal,i was at Ashtons, my phone was silent oops i aint a fucking crime" I shouted back at her pssed, how dare she come to mine and shout at me when i didn't do anything wrong,i turned to walk out the kitchen where Demi was standing in the door way

"oh,great aint that just fucking perfect" i muttered under my breath


"Get out my face Demi" I replied unamused

Demi eyes widene,slearly shocked as she was expecting an apoligy, she then slapped me in the face before turning to walk out the kitchen,slamming the door behind her, Marissa went to coe towards me but i pushed her away and walked out the front door

I had been walking for 5 minutes before deciding to call Ashton to pick me up,i sat on the kerb and waited till i saw his car

I got in the passengers side and just broke down in tears, i always knew Demi could get angry and she's been pissed at me sometimes but she has never hit me,even when we were fighting when we were younger

Ashton pulled me over so i was sitting in his lap,he sat there playing with my hair while i cried into his chest,after a while i pulled away from him,he wiped the remaing tears away with his thumbs

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked

i just shook my head in responce, he nodded understandingly , i climbed back into my seat and he started driving

We got to his house,and went up to his room as his parents were in,he put a move on and we were lying cuddled up on the bed

When the movie finished he turned off the t.v and turned to me

"Mads you are going to have to tell me what hppened" he told me cautisouly 

"I got in and Marissa was in the kitchen and when she saw me she started shouting at me for not coming home last night and making Demi worried so i started shouting back at her and went to walk out the kitchen but Demi was standing at the door and she just lost it but i refused to apologize and just told her to get out off my face so she slapped me and now im here" i told him,looking up at him waiting for an answer or reaction

"Maddie you know i love you but yeah Demi shouldn't of hit you but you were in the wrong too,you shouldn't of talked to Demi like that,it was really disrespectul"

that pissed me off big time,why was he on her side? "Well you know what,fuck you." i yelled before storming out his house

I didn't know what to do,i couldn't go back to Demis, i obvisouly couldn't go to Marissas,Ashton wasn't an option anymore,but there was still one person i knew i could rely on no matter what

Her house wasn't far from where i was the now,after 15 minutes of walking i eventually got there,praying she was there,i rung the doorbell

When she answered i felt so relieved that she was in,i fell into Sammys arms beofre i started crying all over again.

A/N Okay so you guys said you wanted me to keep this so i am :) hope this update is long enough,it's ptobably one of the longest ones iv'e done tbh so yeah remember to check out my new fanfic 

comment Beautiful if you read this :) 

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