Chapter 19 - We did everytime we could...

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Maddie's P.O.V

I had everything I needed. My pills and blade. I was ready to do it, I could eventually make that last cut and end it all when I got interrupted by my phone ringing, without looking at caller ID I answered


"Mad its Demi, I really want to apologize I'm sorry I shouldn't have given up on you-" but I cut her off

"Demi save it, I needed you but you weren't there it's too late now, theres nothing you can do"

"Maddie please don't hurt yourself, you're worth more than that blade trust me, look I'll come back home now, I'll help you, I wont give up and you shouldn't either please Mad" I whispered down the phone but it was too late, I had swallowed the pills I had made the cuts and the world was slowly fading into blackness.

Dallas' P.O.V

I was on my way upstairs to see if Maddie was awake and if she would walk the dogs with me. I quietly knocked on the door, if she was asleep I didn't want to wake her. No answer so as quiet as I could I pushed her door open. Pluto came running up to me as I came in but Maddie's bed was empty.

I went over to ber bathroom and knocked on the door

"Mad you in there"

*No reply*

I tried the handle to find the door was locked, I took a kirby (bobby pin) and bent it so it was straight and moved it around in the key lock till I heard a click ( A/N I can actually do this)

I couldn't believe the sight before me.

My baby sister was lying passed out on the floor covered in her own blood there was an empty bottle of pills still in her hands. I didn't know what to do at first I was in shock and I couldn't move or do anything, all I could do was stare until something clicked in my brain and I grabbed a towel and was on the floor beside her trying to soak up the blood.

"MUM!!" I yellwd down the stairs

She came running up moments later

"What is it Dall-" she started before she got into the bathroom and saw Maddie

"MY BABY, WHAT HAPPENED" dropping to her knees now in a flood of tears

"I don't know, hold this here while I phone an ambulance" I told her handing her the towel and dialling 911 as I was in a much calmer state than mum was.

"Hello how may I help you" the voice on the other end said

"Ambulance please, my 14 year old sister's just commited suicide, she's breathing but just barely and she's losing a lot of blood"

"We'll send someone right over" after giving them the address I hung up.

I grabbed another towel and attempted to soak up the blood but there was just too much.

I heard the ambulance sirens and I ran downstairs so I could show them where she was. They rushed in with a stretcher and oxygen mask.

They lifted her onto the stretcher and strapped the oxygen mask mask onto her, I had to hold mum back she was hysterical by now and I couldn't calm her down.

Me and Mum climbed in the back of the ambulance with her, I was holding Mad's hand and talking to her while the paramedics were trying to get her breathing back on track but it wasn't looking promising.

We quickly came to a halt outside the hospital a few minutes later, they rushed inside with her, me and mum running after her. She went straight into surgery and we had to stay in the waiting room.

Mum had finished crying but everything had eventually sunk in and I couldn't stop.

Mum phoned Eddie to explain what had happened and I phoned Demi whe I had managed to stop crying but talking to her I broke down all over again.

Demi's P.O.V

"Come to the hospital, but hurry " she said before hanging up

I felt sick to my stomach, I made an illegal uturn in the middle of the road not giving a shit and started driving to the hospital, way over the speed limit but nothing mattered right now apart from my baby girl.

When I arrived at the hospital it was swarmed with paps. I ignored them pushing my way through them and into the hospital.

"Maddie Delagarza" I managed to say to the woman at the desk

"Ms.Delagarza is still in surgery at this current time but her family is waiting on Floor 3, waiting room B" she told me typing away at her computer.

I ran to the elevator but it was busy and I wasn't waiting so I ran up the stairs, I finally found the room where Dallas, Mum and Eddie were waiting.

Eddie was crying, Mum was staring into space, she just looked numb and Dallas was on the floor crying.

"W-w-what happened" I asked, my voice trembling

"I found her on the bathroom floor, empty pills bottle in one hand, she was covered in blood and cuts"Dallas told me with no emotion

"Is she going to be okay" I asked, wiping away the tears that had fallen down my face

Nobody answered.

I was sitting on the floor with Dallas, stroking her hair, her crying into my chest. I was in a much calmer state of mind but that's only because I had to stay strong for Maddie.

After waiting for 4 hours, a doctor came through with a clipboard, we all sprang up and surrounded him immediately

"I'm sorry, we did everything we could..."he started

A/N I think I have a problem with cliffhangers sorry, it's 5.30am and I wrote thid for you so enjoy, I think I write better when I've had no sleep but I dunno haha, thanks for all the nice comments that's the reason why I updated so soon so thankyou ♡

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