Corruption is such An Old Song

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Betty stared blankly at the wall. Her eyes not leaving it.

She's been in her room for three days. She didn't come out of it.

Eliza and Hamilton were taking care of the twins whilst Hercules, Ethel, Peggy and Angelica took care of the older two. With Fran-Elle confused of why her Mother was in a state like this, but then again, she didn't question it. Henry tried cheering his Mother up from her state. She was a mess.

Her hair was tangled and unbrushed, one of her sleeves drapping off her shoulder loosely. Her eyes red and her cheeks stained with dry tears.

Around Her, letters apon letters surrounded her, little trinkets and things scattered amongst the floor as she stared at all of them, clutching her wedding ring in her hand.

"Why did I let him go." She muttered. "Why!"

Footsteps were heard from the doorway to her room. She could feel someone staring right at Her, but she dare not move.

"Bethany." She heard her Father's voice call. "Bethany are you okay?"


"Bethany. I know this is hard for you. But Bethany you need to keep moving on in life. Your children are wondering about you." Her Father continued.

"Just leave me alone." She croaked.

Her Father sighed and left her, he took one last look at her before leaving her room.


"I miss you so much." Betty looked at a small photograph in her hands. There, the young twin were, Henry and Fran-Elle were on the ground,hugging their parents and John and Betty were just smiling at each other.

Betty touched John's face on the photo graph and a stray tear escaped.

"Je t'aime aussi." She said in French.


"John was a good man. True of heart and was always kind to others. But when you'd mess with him, you wouldn't want to be there." Hamilton said as Betty watched. She was very quiet that day and nobody bothered to talk to her. "Bethany, a few words?"

Betty nodded and got up. She looked around at everyone they all stared at her as she was speaking.

"John. Well, there are no words to describe John. He's handsome, kind, romantic, cheerful and sweet. He was a great man. A great husband to me, always cared about my well being, saved me from the British, he was always so supportive of me and very honest. He was a great Father, to our children. Very playful around them and always made jokes around them. He was amazing in every shape and form and I-I miss him, so, so much. And I wish to see him again. I loved him."

Betty was quiet and small claps were heard from the audience, sobs and clapps filled Betty's ears as she went down the stage.

As time and time went on. They were to lower the casket.

There, Betty stayed perfectly still, watching numbly as her husband's casket was lowered onto the ground. The grave had little writing on it.

John Laurens
Father of Four


"Mrs Laurens, a letter for you."

"Thank you." Betty said blankly as she opened the letter.

To My Dearest Bethany,

Betty sniffed. Trying to hide her tears.

If you have received this letter, it might be because I am dead.
I have so many things to tell you. But I don't have much time to write.
I am so happy that I was with you. It has been the best years of my life, first getting married to you and then having our four little bundles of joy.

A ghost like figure stood next to Betty as she continued reading. He read along with Her, saying it out loud.

I know you think I am gone, but I am not. I know you think you are alone, but your not. You have so many amazing people around You, your family, our family, Ethel, all your friends. They are all there for you. And always will be there for You, to support you. So don't go mopping around because I am gone. You have to be strong Bethie, do it for me.
And you know, I felt a connection, the first time our eyes locked. I guess I never told you this. But when I first locked eyes on You, I felt a surge of awkwardness being around You, I know I didn't seem like that before, but it is true. We were destined for each other. And we both know, we all die at some point, some earlier than others. But just take care of the kids.

The ghost paused and sighed.

You can re-marry and fall in love the way I fell in love with You. I wouldn't mind, if it is your choice, it's your choice. But I wanted to say something before I end this letter.

Bethany Catherine Schuylur. I have been with you through thick and thin, so have you with me. We were destined for each other since the moment we first locked eyes, we got married and had kids and that has made me the happiest man alive. I know I don't say this very often to you. But I truly love you my Bethie, I really do. You are my soulmate Bethany, and will always will be.

I have made separate letters for the kids once they are all grown. And gave them all a family heirloom each. They need it.

But, to you Betty, I give you my heart. I hope you will cherish it till the day you die. The day we will meet again.

Forever yours,
Freckles, John

The ghost disappeared and Betty smiled.

"Till the day we meet again My love."

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