Just Give Us Time

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The two women heard the bars clanking and scraping against the concrete floor. Making them wince as they groaned. Both of them ruubbing their eyes and looking up on who was in front of them. A yelp was heard and a body fell to the floor beside the two women. Betty looked at the red coated man who gave them all a sly smirk. Betty scoweled at him before checking out who the red coated man placed in the cell with them. 


"Bethany?!" Martha exclaimed as  she looked at the young woman in shock. "They captured you?!"

"Yes, I- The kids! Where are the kids?!" 

"They're fine, I just vistited them both. Your sisters and Ethel were staying at your house. Protecting them. I was about to come home before they captured me." Martha began to shake. "I'm scared."

Lilian looked between the two women. She sighed.

"Martha, if that is your name? My name is Lilian. I was the first to get captured here."

Martha Washington looked at Lilian and nodded her head.

"Pleasure to meet you Lilian." Martha said. "Your last name?"

"Don't have one." Lilian said and Betty looked at her with a ticked off face, Lilian sighed. "It's Hamilton, Lilian Hamilton."

"Your related to Alexander?"

"Yes. How does everyone know him and I cannot find him."

"Maybe it's because you keep kissing Jefferson's ass all the time back in Virginia?" Betty said. "God I hate how you talk about him."

"Really now? So you talking about "My John Dearest" is fine with me either? Honey! It's annoying as fuck when you talk about "John Dearest!" Lilian said, getting really annoyed. "I was searching! Searching and searching! I decided to lay it off because my Dad's in Virginia!" 

Betty gave a scornful look at Lilian and Lilian gave one back.

"You two! stop it now!" Martha said. "We are trapped in a British Camp! For heavens sake! Please try and calm down!" 

The two other women stayed quiet, looking at Martha and then back at each other.


"Sorry Martha."

The two women looked at each other once more. They sighed and hugged it out. A loud crash was heard from the cell door, the three women jumped in fear as they looked to see a man blocking the exit, they grabbed Martha and hurried along out. They slammed the door shut and locked it before Betty jumped into action.

"Where the hell are you taking her?!" Betty gave a light growl, her eyes filled with flames she she looked at the same red coated man that brought her there in the first place.

"Quiet! You adolescent rag! I shall have your head if your not careful." He spat back at her with a venomous tone.

Betty rolled her eyes and scoffed as she fell to the floor, her body slowly sinking down until she sat on the cold ground. Her eyes not leaving her hands.

"If we wanna leave now, we gotta make it quick, we get Martha and we ride the fuck out of here." Betty scoffed. She looked up into Lilian's eyes and she had that same passion for freedom as she did.

"Let's do it."


"Have you heard. His wife has been captured."

Murmurs around the camp have been going haywire. John getting more agitated and angry now more than ever. He sat in his riged bed, thinking and thinking.

"Laurens. Mon ami, I cannot stand to zee ou like zis." Lafayette said to him. "We need to get our' wife and ze General's wife out op dat camp."

John stayed silent. It felt like forever, he hasn't moved a single inch.

"Mon ami."

"Tommorow. Tommorow we'll get them, I don't care if they don't want us to go, they need us Laf. My wife needs me, I'll get a group ready for tommorow." John got up and stormed out the tent, with Lafayette sighing in annoyance.

"E iz going to getz 'imself killed."


Martha came in, she limped towards the cell, they opened the door and tossed her in as if she were a sack of hay.

"Martha." Betty gently said. "What did they do?"

She looked at her wounds, a couple of whip marks, a line of blood oozing from her skin, bruises on her arms and legs, she was weak.

"I had to. They forced it out of me." Martha said in a weak shaky breath. "Oh George. I'm so sorry. And my kitten,I haven't had the chance to name him."

Betty softly chuckled and layed Martha down on the warmer side of the cell. Lilian was tending to her wounds with rags from her dress, tying it up to her cuts, with Martha wincing in pain.

"You do not deserve this. You could've just stayed longer at my house." Betty told her. "It's alright. We sent out a message to camp somehow."

"Remember we went through all that trouble just to get to the quill?" Lilian chuckled. "Thankfully it had some wet ink on it."

"True." Betty laughed.

"Course we got beaten up by them afterwards. But it was worth it. They know where we are, hopefully sending a search party now." Lilian sighed. "Martha, we will protect you. That's just me being kind."

"You were always kind Lily. I mean you were intimidating at first but you were a great person." Betty said.

"We will get out if here somehow."

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