Coming Home

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"Lilian!" The women heard a call. "Lilian! Madison and I are here."

"Thomas!" Lilian rushed out the tent, the other two women looked at each other before walking out the tent to see Lilian kiss the man on the cheek. 

"Ah, yes. He's the 'friend.'" Betty said and saw her smile at the little boy next to the man before kissing him on the forehead.

"You never told me you had a son!" Betty said, dramatically placing her hand on her heart.

"He's not mine. But he's adorable as heck! Right James!"

The little boy nodded eagerly. Betty sighed and shrugged.

"He's my daughter's age too by the way." Betty continued.

"Yeah, yeah. Listen, tell my brother I left already. Okay?"

"He would want to say goodbye."

"Serves him right for leaving me without saying goodbye. It's my turn!" Lilian said. "Let's go. And when I do visit New York, I'll stop by and see ya'll."

The four people left the area and Betty and Martha looked at each other.

"They look like a family. Oh and that was Mr Jefferson."

"Wait, wait, wait. Thomas Jefferson! She knows the Thomas Jefferson?!"

"Yes, I met him as well."

"Oh boy! Wait till Angelica hears about this!"

"Your acting like a child again Bethany. Your children are coming, over there with your sisters and your Mother." Martha said and Betty grinned.

The four sisters hugged each other immediately. The other three begining to cry joy, Betty winced in pain.

"Careful you three, she's got a nasty cut on her shoulder." Her Father said from behind. The three sisters sheepishly looked at their sister, all saying sorry to her. Betty brushed it off and hugged her mother.

"Bethany I was so scared. I didn't let go of the kids at all costs after what I have heard." She said and let her daughter go.

John rushed and looked at everybody.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Frances-Elenor grinned and went towards her Mother. "Mommy and Daddy fought the bad guys!"

Henry on the other hand was in tears, his face red and sniffed, he stood behind his grandmother, looking at his Mother with a sad look. The young parents looked at each other before Betty outstretched her arms out. More tears fell out of his eyes and he ran towards his Mother sobbing. Betty let a few stray tears out before embracing her young son.

"Mama!" He cried and clutched her tighter. Betty sniffed and carried him in her arms, standing next to John and Frances-Elenor.

"I'm not going anywhere you guys. I'm not. The bad people are gone now." She kissed her son's forehead and smiled at him and then at her daughter. "Nowhere."


"Welcome home!" Fran-Elle said, the whole family, including John. Walked in, John grinned and Betty smiled. Ethel came rushing in, having a wide grin on her face, she gave a polite curtsy to the two young parents and Betty placed Henry down before giving Ethel a hug.

"What happened to your arm? Did they hurt you?" Ethel asked in concern. "Are you okay at least."

"Yes, I'm fine Ethel. It's good to be back home, right Papa?" Betty turned to John and he nodded.

"Oh! Dad! Mr Tickles wants to see you! Come on!" Their little daughter dragged her Father up the stairs and into her room.

"I overheard that once your back, your Mother would like to plan a party, an extravagant one for the soldiers. I heard it was going to be fun." Ethel said.

"My daily gossip. Thanks Ethel."

"I'm always here."

"You need a day off, like a day where you can free your worries from the house and just do what ever you would like for a weekend." Betty said to the woman and the woman shrugged.

"Are you sure Bethany? Can you handle them?"

"Of course. They are my children after all. I also heard that John wants another Baby. I'm thinking about it, once I get better."

"I won't interrupt then." Ethel winked and Betty blushed.

"Ethie!" She buried her face in her hand.


I hope that you arrived in Virginia safe and well with your 'friend' and your son. Everything is going back to normal, my husband wants another child and my daughter wants a sister and my son wants a brother, it's a mess, anyway, your brother has been asking about you a lot, he wants to keep in contact with you, along with your brother from the Carribian. Other than that I just hope you are well and safe.
Bethany C. S. Laurens

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