For the Longest Time

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As Betty headed down for breakfast. She is greeted with Ethel, handing her a letter addressed to her. She thanked Ethel and looked at the letter. It had neat cursive writing and Betty's name was written at the front.

Bethany Schuylur

Betty opened the letter and began to read the letter that was addressed to her. It was from John Laurens. Betty's eyes flicking from word to word, reading it and laughing. She placed the letter in her room and proceeded to go to the breakfast table.

There her sisters and parents sat. In all their regular places. Betty sat down next to Angelica, she glanced at her then at her plate of food. She slowly grabbed her utensils and began to eat.


"Nothing happens here!" Betty groaned. "Peggy is gone out for once. Angelica and Eliza are together, somewhere."

Ethel was folding clothes as she listened to Betty.

"Why don't you go pay Martha a visit at the square. I see her all the time when we are buying food from the market. I also heard she went off and married General Washington. Must be a long time ago though." Ethel explained, flapping a shirt as she did.

"That's right! I haven't spoken to Martha in ages! I'll be back Ethie. See you!" Betty then rushed into her room to quickly get pampered up and rushed towards the carriages.

She told them she'll be heading to the square. The coach nodded and the carriage began to move. Betty watched through the window, scenery moving along as she rode to the square. Trees, people, horses and carriages were passing by, it was a bumpy ride towards the town square.


There, Betty thanked the coach and headed off into the square. Passing by people heading the direction opposite hers. It was not crowded as much as the days before, but it was one of the few days Betty cherished, it was not as loud as before nor was it crowded. It was an improvement to Betty at least.

From there onwards, Betty was on the lookout. For anyone she knew, anyone. She searched and searched until she found Peggy, standing in the middle of a crowded area, looking unsure of herself. Betty called out to her, and Peggy rushed towards her.

"Oh am I glad to see you." She said, sighing and looking around. "It isn't much fun when you-"

"Betty!" A voice called out from behind.

"-Are alone." Peggy mumbled and rolled her eyes before turning to the figure who called her sister's name.

"Oh and you brought Peggy too!" Betty turned to see one of her childhood friends, Betsy Ross come up to them. "It feels like forever since I last saw you!"

"Betsy!" Betty gave her old friend a hug. "You're back in New York!"

Betsy nodded.

"Well Father wanted to move back here, since he wanted to join the war." Betsy explained.

"Oh. You meet any hot guys yet?" Betty nudged her arm and gave a little smirk.

Betsy giggled and shook her head. Peggy on the ther hand felt rejected and left out.

"Hey! I'm still here!" The youngest Schuylur waved her hands frantically around.

Flowers Amongst the Garden | John Laurens Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now