The Wedding Reception

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The Wedding Reception was a blast.

"Betty! Betty! I would like you to meet my husband." Martha said, with a tall man following right behind her. He smiled and Betty and gave her a bow.

"Mrs. Laurens." He started.

"General Washington." She gave him a polite curtsy. "Thank you for your Service."

"No problem." He paused for a minute.

"So, how are you- one moment." Betty paused and turned around, kicking her cousin to the ground, he landed with a thud and the General chuckled.

"Fast reflexes you have there." He said. "Is that natural?"

"Him trying to pull me down to the ground never works. It's him that is on the ground, not me. Now to teach my husband that." Betty chuckled, eyeing her cousin who lay on the floor.

"You would make a good soldier if you were a man." General Washington stated. "We need someone like you."

"Well if I could, I might. And besides, it's a death sentence to go out there. I would rather stay alive for my husband." Betty said.

"Well. Must have many other guests to talk to?" General Washington asked.

"Yes, it is very tiring." Betty nodded. "Pleasure meeting you General Washington."

"Pleasure is all mine." He took a final bow and headed off.

Betty growled at her cousin who lay sheepishly at the floor.

"Surprise?" He said.

"Wow Jerry. Just, wow." Betty shook her head in annoyance.

"Lieutenant Van Rensselaer." John said. "What are you doing to my wife?"

Betty silently chuckled but kept a straight face.

"What am I doing?! This idiot pulled me to the ground."

"You deserved it Jeremy." Betty said in an annoyed tone. "Cousin Jeremy."

She turned to her husband who had a shocked face.

"Sorry! I thought he was- you were."

"My cousin for my Mother's side." She said. "Idiot, this one."

John laughed and helped Jeremy off the floor.

"I work with him at camp." John said. "He trains us and somehow he knew who I was marrying. Word travels fast around your family."

Betty nodded. She noticed her sisters coming up to her with big grins on their faces. Peggy and Angelica on the other hand went towards John, and Eliza began to walk around with Betty.

"We are all wondering on how your babies will look like." Eliza said in a joking way.

"Eliza." Betty chuckled. "I don't know if we are thinking about it right now. Remember, this is my wedding day now, not the day I get pregnant or the day I give birth."

"We know. Angelica and Peggy are just making sure about something." Eliza continued. "Congratulations."

Betty glanced at Angelica, Peggy and John.

"For the rest of your life John. Every sacrifice you'll make is for my sister, give her the best life." Angelica said calmly. "Congratulations on your marriage though."

"I will. And thank you." John smiled.

Angelica and Peggy then proceeded head towards Betty and Eliza.

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