Eliza's Love Story

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"I'm just saying, if you really love me, you would share him."

"HA!" A pillow flew out Eliza's door as Betty was to drop something off from her house, giggles and squeals were heard from her younger sister's room, so it was only natural for Betty to investigate.

Betty walked into the room and a pillow immediately smacked her right in the face. The pillow fell to the ground and all Eliza, Angelica and Peggy saw was the everlasting resting bitch face Betty had when she entered the room.

"Oops?" Eliza said, giving an uncertain shrug.

Slowly but surely, Betty started to crack up. Her giving everybody the surprised look on their face. Sooner or later the sisters all started laughing at each other.

"So, whatcha doin'?" Betty asked.

"She's writin' a letter. Alexander dear! Oh Alexander!" Peggy said dramatically and Betty laughed. "I can remember Betty going crazy for John two years ago. I think I remember seeing Alexander at your wedding, I brushed it off though."

"He was the best man Pegs."

"Oh! Now I remember!" She said. "Yeah I had to walk down the aisle with him."

"Guys. Let Eliza write her letter in peace." Betty said to her sisters. "Poor woman, she must be dying inside."

The other two looked at her with confused looks.

"I mean like of happiness. Look at he poor thing screaming."

Angelica sighed and shook her head.

"It's getting late. Mama Laurens needs to make sure that Papa John won't be worried again, we don't want a repeat of last time, especially now that I'm pregnant."

"It's thought you were getting fatter." Peggy said. "Okay, see ya Mama Laurens."

"See ya girls."


"Eliza is going crazy over Hamilton."

"So is Alex. He is going crazy over your sister."

"10 bucks says they break up." Betty betted

"10 bucks says their gonna get married."

"It's a deal."

"Mommy. Can you read me a story." Henry said.

Betty smiled and looked at her son.

"Course Henry. I'll be there." Betty said to her young son.

Betty looked at John who had a sad expression on his face.

"You never give me any attention anymore." He pouted and Betty laughed.

"I'll snuggle up with you when I'm done with this one." Betty said and got up, walking towards her children's bedroom.

She saw her son looking at her when she entered, holding a book in his hands. He outstretched his arms and held the book in front of him. Betty nodded and sat on her son's bed, with the book being handed over to her by her son. She looked at the cover and smiled, it was his favorite book. She opened it and flipped to the first page.

"Once apon a time..."


"He's out like a light." Betty said, closing the door behind her. She got into bed and snuggled against her husband, her arms around his waist and his arms around her shoulders. She lay her head on his chest and sighed.

"John. I'm worried for my sister."

"Don't be. She's in good hands." John replied. "Alex is a good guy once you get to know him. You just don't like him."

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