Their Wedding Reception

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"Now, Alexander. Your Mother would be happy to see you here. I am just saying what she would say. You have a family now, not with kids but you need to take care of your wife, and she will take care of you. We don't want a repeat scenario but she would be very happy." Esmeralda Buck said. She was re Aunt of Hamilton and Lillian, she ment everything to the Hailton siblings and Betty watched as Lilian shed a tear. "And be sure to give your Mother lots of grandbabies. She would love that."

The crowd laughed and Esmerelda left.

"The sister Bethany Schuylur! Urm,Bethany Laurens!"

Betty got up on stage rolling her eyes at Hercules. She smiled and looked a her sister.

"Eliza. Well here we are." She said awkwardly. "I'm never really good at this but,I just want to say congratulations on your happy marriage. I hope you both will live on a happy couple with your future kids. Believe me childbirth is so painful. Its like your insides are-" Eliza's eyes widened.

"Alright Betty we can take it from here." Peggy covered her sister's mouth. "Now we can give it up for the best man and the brother in law! John Laurens!"

John chuckled and thanked Peggy as they both left the stage sitting at their table.

"Okay. So I met Alex a couple of years back. Laf, Herc and I walk into a bar. We see Burr and Alex sitting together, my wife staring at us from the corner." John chuckled at the memory. "He roasted Burr so hard we looked at him with a look 'um who the hell are you?' He was so hyper and so excited that day. So Alex. From that day on,you were like a brother to me. And Eliza,I was terrified of you when we first met, but you turned out to be a really nice person. So raise a glass to Alex and Eliza!"

"To Alex and Eliza!" Everyone raised their glasses up and John laughed.
"Alright, alright! That's what I'm talking about!" John grinned happily. "Now! Give it up for the maid of honor! Angelina Schuylur!"

Angelica smiled at everyone when she entered. She held her champagne glass in her hands as she spoke.

"A toast to the groom."

"To the groom." The men all said, including Henry who had just woken up.

"To the groom."

"To the groom."

"To the bride." She continued.

"To the bride." All the women said.

"To the bride." Everyone continued.

"To the bride."

"From your sister."

"Angelica." The men started.

"Angelica!" Everyone cheered.

"Whose always by your side!"

"By your side."

"By your side."

"To your union."

"To the union!" The women cheered.

"For the revolution!" All the soldiers cheered.

"May you always."


"Be satisfied."

Angelica hugged Eliza and a stray tear fell off her cheek. She smiled and left. Slipping out the exit. Betty confusingly watched her sister leave secretly. She handed Henry to John and smiled at them.

"Mommy is going to go check on a friend. Stay put you guys and don't run off."

Betty began walking towards the exit but she was stopped by Peggy.

"Betty. The first dance is coming up in fifteen minutes. You gotta-"

"Hold on Pegs. I gotta do something." Betty said to her younger sister and Peggy nodded.

"Kay?" Peggy looked strangely at her sister,followed by John who had a dangling Frances-Elenor on his neck and a droopy Henry in his arms.

"What's happening?"

"Its either she is cheating on you. Which I highly doubt she would or she is going to save the day."

"Hopefully the second one." John said.

Betty walked out and was greeted by the night sky illuminating light from above. Betty could hear faint and quiet sobs from nearby.

"Angelica? Angelica."


Betty turned around to see her sister, a hot mess with red puffy eyes.

"Angelica. What's wrong?" She sat down next to her sister, engulfing her into a tight hug. "What happened?"

"I-I. He- don't- Eliza." She splurted out and Betty hushed her down.

"Breathe Angelica. Breathe. Start from the beginning." Betty said,rubbing we sister's arm as she nodded.

"Don't tell this to Eliza or anybody else." Angelica said. "I don't want no trouble."

"Nobody gonna give you any trouble. Just calm down."

"I too, love Alexander."

Betty eyes widened and she covered her mouth.

"I feel so guilty. I feel like I'm betraying Eliza. She loves him and I do too and I- It started from the night of the ball."

"Mhmm." Betty nodded. Listening closely.

"We were all dancing around. Eliza was just dancing with men and I was too until Alexander came in. He approached me and that's when it hit me, I almost even forgot my own name when he said hi." Angelica laughed sadly.

Betty nodded sadly.

"So we started to dance. Boy oh boy. He was the man I was looking for. But then again, I see Eliza's face as she grabs my arm. Her eyes were all helpless and I realised three fundamental truths at the exit same time. You with me."

"Of course." Betty said. "Continue."

"I realised I'm a girl in a world in which our only job is o marry rich. Dad had no sons so I was the one who has to social climb for once. I was the oldest and the wittiest out of us but Alexander was penniless, but that doesn't mean I wanted him any less." Angelica sighed. " The second reason is because we're Schuylurs. He wants to marry us for our money and such. So I had to be naive to set that aside. So I introduced him to Eliza. But then I sometimes regret it."

"Yeah." Betty continued to nod. 

"So you and I know Eliza's mind as if it was our own. You would know if I told Eliza earlier on that I loved Alexander. She would give him up and give him to me instead. She would say she's fine-"

"But she'd be lying." Betty finished. "Eliza is too kind like that."

"But sometimes I fantasize at night. It would be Alexander's eyes. I sometimes wonder what would happen if I haven't given him up so quickly. At least our dear Eliza's his wife." Angelica paused. "A least I keep his eyes in my life."

Betty stayed silent. Looking at Angelica who sadly smiled.

"You did the right thing Angelica. Maybe you'll find someone better than Alexander? Wh knows."

"Who knows."


"Bethie please! Just tonight." John begged his wife and she laughed.

"I'll drop the kids at home and pick you up later. Just don't get too drunk that you'll have a really bad hangover tomorrow. I don't want your moaning and crying tomorrow."

"Yeah baby! She said yes! Whoooo!" John cheered and kissed his wife on the cheek. "Love you Bethie and I'll see you at home."

Flowers Amongst the Garden | John Laurens Love StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang