Her First Ever Date, Well the Preperation

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"Okay! Okay! Don't panic! Oh you are panicking!" Peggy said to her sister, who seemed to be freaking out on her bed. "Uh. Deep, deep breaths. Just breath in and out."

Betty obliged and tried to vreath normally.

"First we kiss, which is my first! But now he asks me out on a date! This week can't get any better!" Betty mumbled to herself.

"Oh Bet, it's your first ever date! What to wrar, what to wear." Peggy mumbled, looking through her closet. Searching amongst not many dresses. "You don't have the right size. I know! Angelica! Eliza! Come on!"

Angelica and Eliza rushed into the room. Looking at Peggy then at Betty before smiling.

"First date. Let's go. Eliza, go send Betty to the bathroom, make her smell amazing, then head to the vanity over there and Peggy, you and I will find the right one! Let's go people! We don't have much time!" Angelica ordered and the sisters were all over the place.

"What in the goddamn is going on-" Betty said in confusion. "Whoa! Eliza! Slow down!"

"Oh your first date. We all knew it was you who was going to have the first date." Eliza pretended to wipe a fake tear away. "I will turn you into an amazing work of art. Come on, just go in there and take a bath."

"Wait, what do I need the bath for?" Betty said being pushed into the bathroom.

Eliza called in the maids and they began to fill the bath up with soapy water. As it was filled up to the rim, the maids exited the bathroom and Betty took off her dressing gown and hopped into the bath.

"I still don't see why I need a bath." Betty mumbled, sinking in to the warm soapy waters of the bath. "It feels great though."

"I read somewhere that taking a bath before your date makes you look great, feel great and smell great." Eliza said to her sister.

She patted her head and flicked a bit of water onto her face. Betty giggled and splashed somemore water at Eliza's direction. They both giggled and it was like that for ten minutes. Not until Betty sighed and stepped out of the bath. She placed on a robe around her and she had placed a towel on her hair.

"Okay, let the torture begin." Betty sighed and mumbled, walking out the bathroom with Eliza.

"Okay! She's fresh and smells great!" Eliza said to the others and they sighed.

"There is nothing from her closet. I checked all of ours and the only one that seemed to fit her was your dark purplish blue dress. It seeed to fit her well, or her red dress which he has seen her in already. But we really want him to go wow. And then there is Peggy's yellow dress that looked great as well. But I'm not sure-" Angelica said to the others, pacing back and fourth in Betty's bedroom. 

"I know, Betty, sit down at the vanity. Girls, we should try them all for her." Eliza said. 

The others thought for a moment they then wickidly grinned and Betty felt small. She gave a little peep and the three turned to her. They dashed towards her and she yelped trying to run out of their grasp, but the pulled her into the seat, she cried in defeat and they began to dress her up as if she was a mere doll.

She was pulled towards the closet where they brought in the three dresses. The first one, with her being more familiar with it, the red dress she always wore. Angelica and Peggy slipped it on her and tightened it up, they looked at her as she turned to the mirror.

"I want this one. Betty said to the two. But they both shook their heads.

"Try the other two." Angelica muttered to Peggy. She nodded and gave her, her familiar yellow dress. But looked more fancier.

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