Her First Ever Date

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"Now remember. We only have two hours before suspicion is raised. Please be back earlier if possible." Angelica muttered to her sister as they headed to the stables next to the house.

The two entered the stables that filled with three horses. Lancelot, Hans and John. Betty immediately dahsed towards her father's, now her, horse, Lancelot. She slowly held out her hand, and Lancelot touched her hand and gave a soft neigh. She smiled and unlocked the gate, saddling him up and the two women got onto the horse and rode off into the city. Angelica holding onto her sister for her dear life, terrified at the speed the horse is going. Betty just giggled.

"Have a little fun Angie." Betty said to her sister.

"Your definition of fun isn't exactly what I am used to!" Angelica yelped.

"Shush. You'll wake up the whole neighborhood." Betty shushed her sister up and Angelica shutted her mouth shut, like a gate.

"But listen." Angelica said, clutching her sister's waist, mumbling in her ear. "Two hours and don't be late. It will raise suspicion around the house. They'll think we were kidnapped or something." Angelica said. "I could only bribe the most time we could get."

"Oh come on. Father should be letting us out more. I'm almost nineteen. Your already twenty my dear sister." Betty sighed. "Okay. He said meet at the nearest bar. Which I know is just a couple of blocks-" Betty then spotted the bar, with light illuminating from the windows. "Ah! There it is!"

Betty gently tugged Lancelot and he began to slow down, she hopped off with grace and tied him to a lamp post. She then watched her sister fail to get off the horse. Betty giggled and held out both her hands for Angelica grab. Angelica nearly tumbled off the horse but Betty caught her sister. Hoping that she will not fall.

"Just try and get off." Betty chuckled.

"I'm trying!" Angelica groaned.

Angelica then got out of the horse. Sighing and the two of them walked inside the bar. The two taking a seat and ordering a couple of drinks. Angelica ordered water and Betty ordered two shots of whiskey.

"Are you sure? Mother said-" Angelica sighed, being cut off but Betty.

"Mother said. Mother said." She taunted and shook her head. The drinks came along and Betty drank her first shot of whiskey. "Besides. This is my night. Right?"

"Yes. Okay, but don't forget the time you got really drunk. You nearly punched a stranger." Angelica sighed. Patting her sister's shoulder. "Be careful."

"I know, witty one." Betty nodded, chuckling at the nickname she gave to her sister as a teenager.

"Okay then tantrum one." Angelica snapped back in a playful manner. Betty chuckled and took another shot.

"Ugh. Is that them?" Betty glanced through the window and found four men laughing and teasing one of them, pincing his cheek. Betty chuckled, ordering another shot of whiskey.

"Angie." She glanced at her sister. "Will you be fine?"

"Yeah. I see three women I know. I'll be talking to them." She said. "Go and enjoy." She then got up and left her sister and walked towards the group of women.

The four dashed into the bar, three of them going 'SHOWTIME!' and the one in the middle, John Laurens blushing beet red. Mulligan rushing towards Betty and standing next to her.

"Lookie. It's Betty, drinking are we?" Mulligan teased. "Lookie here Johnny. Your girlfriend is drinking! Go on and join her."

Betty scoffed and rolled her eyes, grabbing the small shot of whiskey and drinking it in one gulp. She winced in disgust and got up.

Flowers Amongst the Garden | John Laurens Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora