The Oh So Normal Day

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"Alright. Now you want to position your flute like this." Betty said to her daughter. It was her new daily flute lesson and she was learning.

Frances-Eleanor placed the flute below her mouth as she watched her mother.

"Now just blow like your blowing the ground." And Betty made a little sound with the flute.

And Frances-Eleanor just spat all over the place. Betty sighed, grabbing her daughter's flute from her hands.

"Tomorrow. Go play with Mr Tickles now." Betty said, giving up.

Henry walked into the room, holding a Betty's copy of Macbeth.

Betty looked at her son.

"When your older big guy. You can read it when your older." She said to him and he sighed. Placing the book back into the shelf and grabbing another one.

"Cinderella? Really? Okay." Betty sighed and walked with her son, sitting on the chair and having her son climb onto her lap.


"And they got married. The end."

"What? No deaths?" The young boy asked, disappointed.


"No Deaths in book."

"Of course. It's a kid friendly book."

"Papa and me read Hamlet, it good." Henry continued and Betty's eyes widened.

"That man. When he comes home I swear-"

"Mommy no!"

"Mommy yes!"

"But Mommy!"

"Your Father is reading bad books to you."

"Boring Mommy Books!" He said and hoped out of her lap,walking back up to his room.

"Mommy. I think I get the flute!" The little girl approaches her Mother with a flute in hand.

"Let's see it then." Betty said. Sighing and placing the copy of Cinderella on the end table.


"I'm pregnant!"

"Eliza congratulations! Have you told Ham- Alexander?" Betty smiled.

"No. I wrote to the General just recently. What about your child? When is he or she due?"

"Soon apparently. It's my husband's turn to name the child." Betty said. Her hand rubbing her belly. "So, have you told Peggy or Angelica?"

"Nope. Just you so far! Oh I can't wait to tell them!"

"Me too Eliza. Me too."


We got a new second in command. He goes by the name of Charles Lee. He is absolutely shitty. He was terrible when we fought at the battle of Monmouth.
Anyway, the war aside. Has Herc visited you all yet. He said he will.
Alex, says hi. If Laf was here he would say hi too. We even got our new friend Henry James saying hi. He just got out of training and he is very responsible. Anyway. Love you all, hope the kids and your sisters and Ethel are fine over there. I love you.


"Herc. I knew you were going to visit us one day." Betty opened the door to greet the man. He smiled back and held a present or two in his hands.

"It's for Henry and Fran-Elle. I even started making some baby clothes for you. Don't Sorry, they are for free." He winked and Betty chuckled.

"Come on in. Fran-Elle will be waiting for you." Betty said and Hercules nodded.

"Uncle Herc!" The little girl ran towards the big man and giggled.

"Hey kiddo! Where's your brother?" 

"He's upstairs reading."

"He always does. Anyway. I got you something." He grinned and pulled out a dress and Fran-Elle grinned happily.

"A princess dress!" She squealed and jumped up with joy, Henry being the curious one, came downstairs to see what the screaming was about. Hercules looked over to Henry and grinned.

"Hey big guy! Guess what I gotcha?"

Henry looked at his Uncle with confusion, slowly walking towards him.

"What?" The small boy asked.

Hercules made a dramatic swooshing sound as he held a book up in the air and Henry squealed as well.

"Ahhh! Dracula! I want it! Thanks!"

"No problem big guy!" Hercules grinned and looked at the Mother of the children who had a ticked off expression. "Go and play with your things. Imma talk to your Mother."

Betty tapped her foot against the floor, looking blankly at Hercules.

"Really. Spoiling my children and making them like you more than me?"

Hercules blinked.

"I just wanted-"

"I wanted them to like me better!" Betty groaned. "Imma take a bath. You take care of the kids. It's Ethel's day off."

"Alright?" He looks at Betty with a strange look before shrugging and walking away to find the young children.


"Hercules! Hercules! Won't you take a look at this letter right here!" Betty growled as she stomped into the living room. 

"Dear Mrs Laurens. I have to apologise but your husband has taken part in a duel- Herc do you understand what John did?!"

"He went in a duel?"

"He went in a duel!"

"And he shot someone."

"And he shot someone!" 

"And he lived."

"And he- Wait, he has to come home so I can give this man a piece of my mind. I swear I have a lot to tell him." Betty growled.

"Hun. Chill, Hamilton's already here. He's at your sister's house." He sighed.

"I feel so mad." Betty punched the air.

"Okay. You need to chill big time. Hun I will show you the ways of the meditation."

"The hell is meditation?"

"You will learn my student."

Betty blinked and shook her head in annoyance.

"I swear to God Herc."

"Find your happy place."

"In the bathtub." Betty pointed to the ceiling. "I'm having my second bath this week."

"What ever helps you relax."

"Mommy! Franny stole my book!" Henry cried and Betty groaned.

"Don't worry. I got this." Herc winked and Betty sighed.


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