Chapter Forty Five: Immature

Start from the beginning

My eyebrows furrowing, I look at Kakashi, "well, I want that revoked."

Kakashi's eye widening in surprise his eye reflected pain at my words, "why?"

Rage coursing through my veins I narrow my eyes again, "because Kakashi Sensei, I never gave you the permission to do that and make my decisions for me. Whatever I have to do, to revoke that power, I will. That right belongs to me, and me only." Breathing out a angry breathe, my heart rate picks up, making the machine beep louder in warning.

"(Y/n). Stop it, now." Yamato's voice being stern and swiftly cut, making my attention snap towards him. "Kakashi did that for you, don't be rude to him." My eyes softening, I close my eyes, saddened that one of my mood swings happened to be pushed on Kakashi. Especially since all he's ever done for me was to the benefit of me, and he only did this one thing behind my back. Kakashi even lets me make my own decisions, so why am I getting pissed off?

"Your right Tenzō Sensei. I'm genuinely sorry Kakashi Sensei, it's not your fault, it's mine." My eyes opening as he lifted his gloved hand from my head, he softly smiles down at me.

"Well. We do have some people who would like to see you. I'll go get them for you," Kakashi said nicely to me. Looking up at Tenzō, his next words were directed to him, "get a blanket and cover her so they don't see her like this. Lift up her bed instead of having her lay down. (Y/n). Do you think you'll last without the straps on your arms?"

Panic coursing through me, I force a nod, "I can."

Kakashi smiling down gently at me he nods, "I'll be back in eight minutes with everyone." Leaving the room Kakashi slowly closes the door behind him. Yamato not wasting time picks up the blanket on the chair, and lays it from my waist down. His hands fumbling against my restrains, he quickly undos my right hand.

"That's harder than it looks," mumbled Yamato as he sighed, out of breathe from the hurried situation.

Laughing lightly I shoo him away with my hand, "go get me some water so I don't sound like I'm dying." Moving my right hand to undo my left hand, I feel my chakra jolt through my body. The strap releasing my left arm, I pull the blanket up more to cover the lower restraints. Folding it nicely, a hand shoves a cup of water in my view.

"Here, drink it." Yamato looking hurriedly between me and the door I laugh. Taking the paper cup in my hand, I drink it swiftly. Tenzō looking down at his watch, sighs, "I have to get going, I have a mission I must prepare for. I'll see you soon (Y/n)!" Yamato opening the door to the hallway, he leaves hurriedly. Throwing the water cup in the garbage at the right hand side of me, the door slides open to reveal a giant white furred teddy bear.

Teddy bear..? A teddy bear came to see me? Cool!

A blonde head sticking out, I smile as I see Naruto push the teddy bear and himself through the door.

"Yo (Y/n), I bought you this teddy bear because I remember you telling me you always wanted a life sized one! So here!" Naruto walking over confidently he plops the teddy bear on my lap with the biggest grin on his face.

Laughing happily I grab the life-sized teddy bear in my hands, "thats so sweet, Naruto! Thank you so much!" Moving one of my hands I stretch them out and give a pat on Naruto's head. A teddy bear being thrown at my head, it hits me lightly. Landing in my lap I look to see Sasuke smirking evilly. "Duck butt! Get over here now!" Yelling at Sasuke, I look at him evilly.

"Sasuke! That's rude!" Naruto yelled back annoyed, charging towards Sasuke, preparing to fight him.

Sakura jumping in the middle she uppercuts Naruto, "cut it out Naruto!" Naruto's falling to the ground he lets out a cry. Sakura stepping around him runs to my side, lifting her arms up she gently hugs me. "I'm so glad your okay (Y/n)! How are you feeling?" Sakura asked gently as she detached her arms from around me.

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