chapter 37

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Weeks went by and kim and I were busy planning for the wedding. She tried in tons and tons of dresses but knowing her on the fanciest one will do. Hours later once she finally grabbed the last one she tried it on and came out. K" what do you think? ".  I felt so incredibly happy at that moment!  She was gonna knock Jared on his ass once he caught sight of this beauty.  Me" its beautiful! You look incredible Kim! ".  K" you think so? ".  Me" of course!  its up to you on the final decision, but yes I say yes to this dress!".  She turned and looked at her self in the side mirror and she gasped and realized what I meant. Tears filled her eyes as she said to me " I'm really doing this!  I'm getting married to the man of my dreams! ".   She sat down and looked at me in mirror.  Me" what?".  K" I wish we could have a double wedding ".  Me" oh no!  He's said he wants to marry me. But I don't know if I'm ready for it just yet".  She stood up and gave me a strange look.  Me" don't give me that look ".   K" you love him?".  Me" of course I do!".  K" then why not to for it? ".   Me" because......  he's going on tour!  I have a career here I'm not gonna push it all aside and go with him ". K" And why not? ".   Me" were done taking about this ".  Kim went in and changed out of her dress and minutes later came over to me.  K" you have a fuckin amazing man and he wants to spend the rest of his life with you and your telling me that you would turn that down? ".   Me" I'm ready to go ".   She followed me out and we got in my car and drove to meet up for lunch with Jared. I could see he wants alone. Me" I need to go back home ".  K" um no! your going bitch! ".  I pulled up an got out of the car and passed up Jared to get a seat at our table inside.   J" wow! Your nice!"  K" you don't even wanna know ".   Shannon came after me and I just needed to really think about us and what was best.   S" hey!  what's wrong? ".  Me" we need to talk"  S" ok. Come sit with me ". 

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