chapter 68

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Months passed by and he was  an incredible sweet heart to both of us he kept me sleep and stayed up for hours.  o couldn't ask for anyone better.  She was getting bigger and I had an appointment and just a usual check up.  I loaded her up in the car and drove down to the doctors. The place was busy and I lifted her in my arms.  I looked over and seen Jared's car in the back of the lot. Why was here?   He ran up to me and was smiling.  J" I thought I would catch you just in time ".   Me" what's going on?".    J" I wanna know if she's mine ".  I was thrown back how in the hell could he so this now. Kim was carrying his child not me. No way she was his.  Me" I'm here first a check up".  J' well get a paternity test too ".  Me" I'm not doing this with you right now ".  He came closer to me and said " tell em why she has blue eyes like me? She's got my long fingers and my nose".  I looked at her cute face. Yea maybe.  But still no.  He didn't let up.   Fuck it fine!   He followed me in and we got a  test and she got checked over to make sure everything was ok.  I sat in the chair and Jared came duvet and took her out of my arms and held her. Me" um ok. .......why are you doing this?  He's your brother ".  He didn't look at me instead said " I'm doing this because I have a gut feeling she's mine".  Me" yea well your gut is wrong ". J" well we will see won't we. ".  We left out and went to lunch I made him buy he wanted to ruin my day he can feed me and her.  Weeks passed by and finally the results came back and I was nervous but yet I had no doubt Shannon was her father.  I opened up the envelope just as Jared called me.   J" did you read it? "  I felt my heart sink and break in half.  Jared indeed was her father. Shit! No what?  How would I tell Shannon?  And Kim?  Damit!  Shannon stepped in and picked her up and fed her. S" daddies her sweet pea.....I love you ".  This was gonna hurt..... bad.


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