chapter 3

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Shannon had this mysterious aura about him I couldn't explain.  Like a deep passionate side you could see it in his eyes if you could look in them long enough without forgetting what to say. S" I want it cut to the side but not to short layered maybe ".  I ran my hands through his hair and he moaned a little.  Dear god!  I could barely focus he was such an immense man.  His deep sultry voice was intoxicating too. The type if you hear it in the dark you would be seduced to have sex with him without ever being touched. Damit ! I'm at work..He's a client.  Me" ok let's get started".   I grabbed layers and started to cut it the way he explained to me.  S" so how long have you been in this business? ". Me" a couple years ". S" that's cool ".  I grabbed my coffee and drank half of it down.  S" that's coffee huh?".  Me" yes it is ".  S" I love that shit ". He smiled and said " sorry pardon my mouth ". Me" I don't give a fuck ". He grinned and raised his eyebrow at me.  S" such a naughty mouth for a beautiful woman ".  Auh hell here we go!   Me" ok we're done ". His smile faded and he looked at me in the mirror.  S" I'm sorry did I.... ".  Me" no, I'm done cutting your hair ". S" oh. ... oh ok. auh shit I love it thank you ".   I made my way over to the till to ring him up and he pulled out his wallet.  Taking it from him, I caught sight of the name. Shannon. He had a unique name for a man. Me" ok Shannon, I just need you to sign here ". He took a open and scribbled out his initials . Me" thank you for coming ". He didn't leave, but instead said " since you know my name about you tell me yours ". Me" Julie ". I set my hand on the counter to grab the pen , he lifted it to his mouth and kissed my wrist. S" pleasures all mine miss Julie ". He winked at me then walked out my door. Outside I could hear the roar of a motorcycle. Damn he rode one of those?  Bad boy. Just my type of man. 

Secrets & desire & Love (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora