chapter 50

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Kim was sitting on the deck of the boat as we pulled back into the dock. Jared seen her and came closer and wrapped his arms around her and she pushed him away.  J" hey!  What did I do? "  K" you know exactly what you did ".  J" ok I'm done. ".  K" I'm your god damn wife Jared!  You should be kissing me , and not her!  Why do you keep doing this to me? ".   J" again I'm done talking! ".  He went back in and grabbed his jacket and the boat got tied up. Kim stepped off and Jared walked passed her and didn't even help her off the boat. Shannon and I came our and seen her there with tears.  I got pissed off with Jared and went up to him.  J" cmon I am tired let's all go ".  Me" why did you treat her like that?".  J" its none of your business! ".  Me" it is my business!  You made this mess Jared!  ".  He got in the car and ignored me.  I got in the back seat and Shannon got in next to me. S" hey when we get back I think we should ya know..... ".  Me" I'm kinda mad right now maybe later ". He laid his head back and I knew he was upset but I just didn't feel like it.  We all got back to the hotel and Shannon and I got in the elevator and once the door shut he slammed me up against the wall lifting my hands above my head and kissed me hard taking my breath away.  His leg moved mine apart.  His eyes opened and looked at me with dominance again.  Me" Shannon....... I".  He lifted off my shirt and dropped down kissing my chest every where.  Me" auh fuck".   My fingers ran through his hair and i felt him moan against my stomach. Suddenly, my skirt was pushed off and i was being lifted onto his shoulders and was high above him . He moved my panties aside and his mouth was deep in my now soaked pussy. Me" shit.....mmm oh god don't stop ". My hips  arched into his lips craving more.  I looked down and seen we were about to reach our floor.  He moaned into me driving me closer to cumming.  I held his head as he went fast grabbing my ass with his hands.  Minutes later my body shook and I screamed out his name.  Me"FUCK BABY OOOOOOOH SHIT SHANNON!!!!!!" I came all over his lips and he let me ride it out.  As my body dropped to the ground his tongue left a trail across my skin. I kissed his lips and now I was  in need of his body on my lips.  Jared and Kim were still not talking.  Neither one was willing to budge.  J" it ment nothing ".  K" yea that's not what Shannon told me ".  J" you know what?  You love him go be with him ". K" I never said that!  Don't act like your innocent!".  J" goodnight I'm done "  She laid in bed and cried herself to sleep.

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