chapter 33:

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Days passed and all of were set to have a BBQ at Tomo's house.  He had met a very cool chick and it was serious. I was thrilled that he was happy. He deserved happiness. I grabbed a beer and sat down next to Tomo and his chick and before long I was laughing my ass off. His sense of humor always made me feel better. T" so how's things with you and Shannon? ".  Me" what thing?  Its over he lied so its whatever ".  T" oh I'm sorry. Here let me fix you some food and get you another beer k".    Me" thank you ".  I looked around and who did I see?  Shannon, with his ex or so I thought ex.  So this was the bitch!  He never broke up with her. He was still fuckin engaged.  S" Julie..... we need to talk".   Me" no.... actually we don't ".  I walked away into the house.  The door opened behind me and I felt like throwing something at his head. S" stop and talk to me damit! ".  Fuck it!   I grabbed a glass and threw it passed his head.  He charged at me and pinned me in the wall.  Me" stop let me go!  Your bitch is waiting for you ".  S" stop enough!  I'm sorry I lied to you ". Me" you know what I'm sorry about Shannon? ".   He looked me deep in my eyes and I said with a shaky voice " I'm sorry I ever said I love you to someone I thought would never hurt me ".  He held my hands tighter and anger and pain filled his eyes. S" take that back! ".   Me" no ". S" I love you ".  Me" I don't..... love you ".  He released me and I saw Jared by the back door and grabbed his hand and left Shannon standing alone in the house.  There was nothing left to say.

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