chapter 78

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Kim was stepping out if the shower and I had to tell her about what was going on. K" who's gonna be here? What if something happens? ".   Me" babe you will be ok Jared's mom will close by ".  K" fine whatever ".  Me " please don't be mad at me ".  K" your leaving to your husband yet mine is clear across the damn world ".  I went over to her and hugged her tight.  Me" its just for a couple days ".  K" I'm fine...... I will be fine ".  Kim's phone went off and the right person was on the other line.  Jared" hello beautiful..... I miss you like crazy I wish I was there. ".  She looked at me and was upset. I laid my head on her tummy and hugged it. I moved my head back up when I swore I heard the door.  It might be Jared's mom.  I got up to answer it and to my surprise I was Jared. K" I miss you so much its hard to move around and.......".  J" hello there sweet heart ". Kim got up and hugged Jared and he kissed  her head.  J" I'm here for. a couple days..... I'm gonna take care of your every need angel".  K" I love you ".  I was happy as hell he was here, but I missed and wished Shannon was.  I grabbed my keys to head to the ice cream shop when I opened the front door I seen a beautiful, stunning,  sexy as fuck man standing by my car.  S" you know, I'm looking for a beautiful girl..... she's got hazel eyes like me and makes me the happiest man on earth..... kisses like heaven, have you seen this beauty around ".  I walk to him and smile.  Me" maybe...... I might know uh wanna go for ice cream with me ".  I hugged around his ass and he tugged on my bottom lip and said " Whacha gonna do with this ice cream?". I leaned in and licked his neck and moaned in his ear. Me" I'm gonna make your body my personal sundae mmmmmm Whacha think about that? ".  He pushed my hair aside and said " I love the way you think........ only after I make your pussy my sweet treat ".  Me" are we gonna make it to the store? ". He pushed his hand into my shirt grabbing my breast and said " mm mm I don't know..... how hungry are you for me ".    I reached into his pants and stroked his cock and said " I'm thinking he's hungry for pussy...". He held my neck and pushed my head back licking my neck to my chin. S" cum with me then let's go ". Me" after you ".  I smacked that firm ass and we took off.

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