chapter 22

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I was in the middle of a busy day when I overheard a convo about a band coming to town. I needed to get out my boring life and just go to a show.  I went over and asked about this band. Guy" we have a show tonight and its almost sold out. You ever heard of 30 seconds to mars? ". I didn't.  Me" no tell me more ". I took over doing his haircut and he explained to me that he was in a band with someone named Jared and Shannon?  No way.  Yep!  Me" they never told me they were in a band? ".  Him" I'm Tomo by the way and you are? ".    Me"" Julie ".  T" nice to meet you ". His had this mega watt smile and his laugh was contagious. Me" I might come check you guys out ". T"no I think I you should, I think you would enjoy out music ".  He was paying for his cut and was about ready to go when I asked him. Me" I think I'm gonna come tonight ".  T" cool here let me get you some good seats. Better view from the stage ".  Me" really?  Thank you is appreciate this ".  T" hey it's cool. See ya there then " He smiled and I got ready for my next client. 

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